Ch 3. Getting to know each other

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I'm walking towards the entrance of school. I let out a sigh for what this day has in store for me.

"Holy shit, you get annoyed real fast, you know that right?" Boreas mocks me.

"I just think that life shouldn't be wasted on something useless." I say to him while getting in the school.

"Of course, you do." He says with a sigh. "Now we're talking about life anyways, what are your plans after you complete your mission?"

"I dunno yet. Maybe I should follow in my mother's footsteps?" I walk over to my locker and unload the books I don't need for the next few lessons.

"Of course, you do. I should have seen it coming."

I chuckle at his reaction. I continue the unload my books till I hear a familiar voice walking towards me.

"Mornin' Y/N."

I look to my left and see Pietro with a smile on his face.

"Morning to you too. Where's Wanda?"

"By her locker. What is your roster for today?"

I pull out my schedule out of my back and give it to Pietro. His face immediately lightens up.

"Yes! We have first period Biology together and the last period Gym together." He gives me my schedule back.

"Great, wanna walk together to biology?" I smile back at me and accepts.

After biology ended, the lessons become more boring to say the least. I never thought I could enjoy somebody else's companionship. But somehow Pietro made it works and I don't why. His sister is also pretty... entertainment to say the least. During lunch time, we all sit on the same table and chat to each other. Even now, during the last lunch break, we tell each other what happened.

"Wanda, you can't believe what Y/N did during the first lesson." I roll my eyes of what Pietro is going to say.

"Y/N don't seem to be happy about it, that much can I tell." Wanda says with a smile.

"Well, it's pretty embarrassing for him, but not for me." Pietro says with a smile.


"Today student, we're going to pair up with the student sitting next to you, and we're going to dissect frog." The teacher is handing out a dead frog and giving us the tools to decompose him. "A week ago, I learned you how to decompose a frog. Now it's your turn to decompose a frog. Remember people, you going to be graded on this one frog, so be careful!"

Pietro looks towards me with an unsure face.

"Please don't tell me that you don't know how to decompose something." I say with a sigh.

"Nope, sorry."

I pick up a knife to cut the frog open. The frog is currently bind up with his arms and legs open.

"If it's any consolation, I can always be off moral support." Pietro says with a smile, but I can't tell if it's genuine or not.

"Gee thanks."

I start to concentrate on the task beforehand. I carefully going to cut the frog when suddenly-


*End of flashback*

Wanda let out a sigh at the story.

Enigma, the demon summoner (Pietro Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now