Ch 8. Behind the mask

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Today around the morning after Pietro left, I decided to go out for a walk with Cerberus. According to my laptop, the search of Aidan Lynch is almost complete. Last time I checked it's one 99%. I left it on the desk and go out of my apartment. After an hour of a relaxing walk in the park, I arrive back in my apartment, summon the rest of my demons and check on my laptop. When I enter my bedroom, I instantly notice that the search is done.

"Finally." I groan.

I sit by my desk and look at the end result. He's apparently living in apartment building on the top floor.


"Well Y/N," Boreas starts talking. "I hope you're proud of yourself. You did, once again, overcome the trail of patience."

"Well thank you Boreas. But I'm proud when I complete the mission, and today is one step closer to that." I smirk.

"Yeah, yeah..." Boreas rolls his eyes.

I decided to wait till midnight to strike. Lynch will probably be home by then, otherwise I will wait in his apartment. For the rest of my time, I just played some video games, watch some tv and watch some YouTube video's.

When it hits 23:40, I change my clothes into my Enigma outfit, black robes and a black mask. When I'm done with that, I open a window of my bedroom, change Anzu's and Boreas form into their demon form, let them sit on my shoulders and let Anzu fly me away towards Lynch home.

Pietro P.O.V

I have been waiting for hours, sitting in the bushes like a weirdo. Hours ago, Y/N came back with his dog and go inside the building. And that was the only interesting thing that happened. I was so bored I decided to watch some YouTube videos on my phone. When I got hungry, I just speed my way towards a grocery store, buy some food and got back. When I needed to pee, well... I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by bushes. After around 22:30, I have gotten messages from Tony where I was. I told him that I'm sleeping over at Y/N place. He didn't even argue that I have to come back.

It's currently almost midnight. I'm drinkingsome coffee and watch some YouTube videos. I often glance at Y/N building ifanything happens just in case. I glance at Y/N building and see a shadowyfigure climbing out of a window with a big bird on his shoulder. I think that'sY/N window he climbs out of. He's probably going towards his next victim. Ispeed towards the building he lives in.


I arrive at my destination. I land on his glass roof. I look inside and see his living room that is split into different rooms inside the apartment. There are also glass door that leads to a balcony, an open kitchen and multiple lights on in his penthouse, meaning he's home.

I open a glass window and slowly descent to the floor thanks to Anzu. Since I wanna do this fast and quietly, I make sure to make no noise and sneak around the place when moving around. I begin to look around, starting at a door to my right. I open it and discover that it's his study room. There is a brown, wooden desk in the center of the room. Underneath the desk is a crimson rug.

I sneak my way towards the desk and inspect it. There is a black mobile on the desk, as well as a laptop and multiple books. The phone buzzed; he must have gotten a new message. I open the phone, but it's locked by a password. Luckily, I can just tik on the message icon to read some of it, so I did that.

"Holy shit." I whisper.

When I ticked it, I instantly recognize a familiar name, Xavier Hayes, the leader of the Loptyr church and the man who killed my mother. I read his message and it's something about meeting up together tomorrow around midnight. If I can get Lynch's password, I may can find out where that meeting takes place and end this tomorrow all at once.

"You think what I'm thinking?" I ask Boreas quietly.

"Yeah, yeah, let me find the password." Boreas jumps of my back and begins to look around the room.

I put the phone in my pocket. I begin to open the drawers of the desk for any sort of clue. I suddenly hear a door open. I look over and see Aidan Lynch with a surprise look on his face.

"What the-!" He says in panic.

I quickly summon Naga and Cerberus to help me out. Lynch right hand immediately goes towards his left tight and takes out a gun. Cerberus begins to spit fire at him, but before he could do so, he shot me in my left side of the stomach. Anzu fly towards Lynch as he's getting attacked by Cerberus, meanwhile I fall on the ground, bleeding on it. Boreas and Naga immediately go towards me.

"Dammit kid." Boreas says.

I begin to grunt because of the pain. While Lynch is screaming to death, Naga wraps his body on my wound so that the bleeding will slow down. Boreas let his hand on my stomach, as it's begins to heal.

Pietro P.O.V

I arrive at the front door of Lynch's apartment. I decided that I'm not break in till I hear bad news through the door. It took a couple of minutes till I hear something alarming, a gunshot. I break down the door and see Lynch getting attacked by the demon bird and the flaming hell hound. In almost an instant he died of the attack.

The two demons notice me and take their stance and growl. I use my powers to get the first attack. I quickly pick up the hell hound first. Before he could even attack me, I made my way to the balcony and throw him out. After that I made my way back to the bird. I grab him by his feet and run towards the kitchen. I open the fridge and put the bird there. I close the fridge, but the bird tries to open the fridge. I Pick up multiple furniture to make a blockage. I let out a sigh. I'm done dealing with the bird and the dog, but where is Enigma and the rest of his demons. 

I hear a door opening behind me and see Enigma. His demon lizard is sitting on his right side of the shoulder and for whatever reason his demon snake is wrapped himself around Y/N stomach. Judging by his posture, he seems surprised that I'm here.

"Fuck..." He mutters frustratingly.

He quickly runs towards me, but he's outmatched by my speed. I run towards him and I notices that his snake is wrapped around his body to prevent losing blood. Was he the person to get shot? I punch him in his face and thanks to the force of my speed, his mask falls off. I stop using my super speed and look behind me where Enigma falls. I couldn't make out his face doesn't lie towards me. Judging by his body pasture, he notices his mask felt off and begins to move his head towards me.

I wish I was wrong, the first time I wish I was wrong, but I have it right. Enigma identity is really Y/N. He looks at me. His is filled with rage and all I could do is look at him with shock. He quickly got up and throws is snake at me, before I could even react the snake wrapped his body around my stomach with high speed and bit me. I quickly didn't feel my entire body and fall on the ground. I try to use my strength to get up, but I couldn't. The snake then got back to Y/N. Y/N grabs a lamp from a table and walks over to me. I try to speak to me, but even I couldn't do that. All I could do is watch the man I like going to kill.

"You shouldn't mettle in my business." Y/N says with a sinister tone.

He grabs the lamp tight. I still try to speak and tell him to stop, but to no prevail. I lunge the lamp at my face, but thanks to the snake bite, I almost didn't feel all the pain. He then continues beating me up with the lamp. Over and over again, and all I could do is watch in horror, looking at Y/N face, a face that wants me dead. I feel my eyes closing thanks to the pain. This continue for a while till Y/N looks up with a shocked face that turns to anger immediately and runs away, probably from something that is coming. Something I couldn't hear. And before I know what it was, I passed out. 

Enigma, the demon summoner (Pietro Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now