Ch 11. Fathers son

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After I hear the rubble stop falling, I open my eyes, only to be greeted by the darkness. I let out some groans. Damnit does it hurt trying to not get crush by rumble. I definitely do not regret 'borrowing' cap's shield.

"You okay?" Boreas asks me, still sitting on my shoulder.

"For now, yeah."

He hums. "Let's get out of here."

I look around, but there is nothing but rubble. One move and it can probably go down hills.

"Well, do you have any ideas to get out of here?" I groan.


"I take that as a no."

He scoffs. "Don't get sassy with me Y/N. But I do have one plan, but it's kinda risky."

"Are you suggesting moving around? You know that there is rubble all around us? If we move, the situation is probably getting worse."

"I know." He sighs. "But it's the only thing we can do. That, or we can just wait till we can be dig up and be thrown in jail."

I let out a puff. "Fine."

I slowly begin moving my body forward with the shield. I feel the pressure of the rubble kicking in. I use my hand that is free to move some of the rubble around to clear a path. Then, I accidentally move my shield too fast, causing some rubble to fall on my left leg. I let out some groans of pains.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!"

I can feel the pressure on my left leg. I try to pull him out of the rubble, but I can't.

"Y/N, let's calm down." Boreas move towards my left leg and begin to remove some of the pain. I just breath in and breath out.

"We're stuck, there is no way to get out of here."

Boreas looks conflicted while healing my left leg. He then looks at me. "There is a way to get you out of here."

I sigh. "And that is?"

"If I can give you my full power, you can get better physical strength and better health regeneration, but there is one problem. I need to fuse myself with your body to make it work." I let out a couple of heavy breaths, knowing what he's going to say. "Meaning, if we do that, I'm gone after we fuse."

I just stare at him. "No, not going to happen."

"Y/N, this is the only way how this is going to happen. I don't want you to get arrested. I want you to be happy, and if I'm going to sacrifice myself to make that wish come true, I do it gladly."

"No, no! Boreas, after my mother death, the only person that took care of me over these years were you! You basically are my dad, and I don't wanna lose you." I say in desperate.

"I know, but there are other people in your life. Pietro and Wanda. You care about them, so promise me one thing. Whatever happens to me or you, always go back to the people you care about. Can you do that?" Boreas looks at me with pleading eyes.

Tears begin to come out of my eyes. "I promise."

Boreas smiles at me sadly. "Thank you. Remember that I always love you, even though you were sometimes a pain in the butt."

 I chuckle. "I love you too. And thank you for basically being my dad."

He let out a short laugh. "Anytime kiddo."

Enigma, the demon summoner (Pietro Maximoff x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now