Chapter 13: Justin

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Hogwarts, landscape

A heavy snow falls. Me and Harry sit atop one of the towering hills facing Hogwarts. Hedwig and Ezekiel sits beside us.

"Who am I, Hedwig? What am I?" Harry says

I looked at him. "Your Harry Potter, son of the two famous witch and wizards. James and Lily Potter, and my best friend. I don't care what people say we are or what we are, we will always be us. Leon Elliott and Harry Potter."

"Yes, the only two kids who can speak parseltongue"

"Well then were unique."

He smiles at me and shakes his head

Library, night

The four of us study. I was burdened by dark thoughts, I looked up at Ron. He smiles at me, then, seconds later, Hermione does the same- something seems forced about it all. Unable to bear it, I gathered my books, get up from the table, Harry behind me. As we walked, students glanced up, meeting my gaze, then looked away. Even Madam Pince eyes us form her desk. Ginny looked tired and pale, scribbles furiously in a small black book.

As we left, we walked in the hallway and I paused. From inside the room, the voices of a group of Hufflepuffs I heard speaking I knew who they was.

"So, anyway, I told Justin to hide up in our dormitory. I mean to say, if Potter's and Elliott's marked him down as their next victim, it's best he keep a low profile for a while." Ernie said

"But why would they want to attack Justin?" Hannah's asked

"Justin let it slip to Elliott the he was a muggleborn."

"And you definitely think Elliott and Potter's the Heir of Slytherin?"

"Hannah, their Parselmouths. Everyone knows that's the mark of a dark wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue." Ernie said and started whispering darkly. "Remember what was written on the wall: Enemies of the Heir Beware. They had some sort of run-in with Filch. Next thing we know, Filch's cat's attacked. That first-year Creevey's been annoying Potter. Then Creevey's attacked."

"They always seem so nice, though. And, after all, they are the one who made You Know Who disappear."

"That's probably why You Know Who wanted to kill them in the first place. Didn't want two other Dark Lords competing with him."

I grabbed my wand from my pocket and Harry stopped me.

"Don't. That's what they want."

"Good. Then I'll give it to them."

"You what them to believe that we are good not the opposite."

"Fine." I put my wand back and Harry walked away and I stopped and looked at the Hufflepuffs and took my wand out. "Bombarda" I muttered and their books exploded and I hid behind the wall before they seen me and I jogged behind Harry.

Corridor, night

Harry was muttering, storming straight into Hagrid, who was covered in snow, a dead rooster dangling from his hand.

"All righ', Harry? Hello Leon."

"Hi Hagrid."

"Hagrid... what're you doing here?" Harry asked

"Second one killed this term. Reckon it's either foxes or a Blood-Suckin' Bugbear. Need Dumbledore's permission ter put a charm round the hen-coop. Yeh sure yeh're all righ', Harry? Yeh look all hot an' bothered." Hagrid said holding up the rooster.

"It's nothing. We better get going. We've got a lot of studying."

Another Corridor

We enter, slowly. Up ahead, in the light of a flickering torch, something dark lies. A windowpane rattles in the wind and the torch... goes out. We stepped closer, finding Justin-Finch-Fletchley. Lying rigid on the floor, a look of shock on his frozen face. Nearby, an inert Nearly Headless Nick floats, body teeming with black smoke. Kneeling, I noticed a trail of spiders scuttling away from Justin's body and out the loose windowpane... when suddenly... I sensed someone watching us, I nudged Harry and I looked up.

"Professor, I swear we didn't-" Harry says

"This is out of my hands, Potter. Mr. Filch, will you take care of this, please?" Mcgonagall says and my eyes shifted. Filch lurks in the shadows beyond McGonagall. He steps forward, hissing quietly.

"Caught in the act. I'll have you both out this time, Potter, Elliott, mark my words..." Filch says as McGonagall leads me and Harry away, I look back and Harry did to. Filch stares at Justin and Nick, then turns.

"Dark magic. That's what you've got Elliott, Potter. Even the air you breathe comes out poison. You're evil. Evil as they come..."

Gargoyle corridor, night

McGonagall marches us down to an ugly stone gargoyle.

"Sherbet Lemon." McGonagall says the password.

"Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you, both."
McGonagall usher us inside. It's an elevator. The Gargoyle's wings close. We rise to an upper floor.

Dumbledore Office

We step out of the Gargoyle's embrace and enter a large, circular room. Strange silver instruments whir quietly. On a nearby shelf, the sorting hat sat. I cast a wary eye at the past headmasters snoozing in the portraits around him. In the last portrait, the Headmaster is awake, reading a book. He is Professor Dippet. We approached the Sorting Hat, glances around, then places it atop Harry places it on atop of his head.

"Bee in your bonnet, Potter?"

"Well, you see, I was wondering..."

"If I put you in the right house? Yes... you were particularly difficult to place. So was your friend here. But I stand by what I said last year... you would have done well in Slytherin." the Sorting Hat said, Harry strips the hat off, tosses it back onto the shelf.

"Your wrong!" The hat sits motionless. Silent. Hearing a gagging sound, we wheeled, finding a old, decrepit bird sitting on a golden perch. It wobbles, then... bursts into flames. As Dumbledore enters, me and Harry was horror-struck.

"Professor, your bird... We couldn't do anything..." Harry says

"He just caught on fire."

"About time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you both had to see him on a Burning Day. He's really very handsome most of the time." He looks at us and see that we were horrified.

"Fawkes is a phoenix, boys. Phoenixes burst into flame when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes." Dumbledore explains and we looked at the floor. The ashes swirl. A baby fawkes pokes out his wrinkled head, blinking through the dust.

"Awesome. I want one." I said amazed looking at baby fawkes.

"Fascinating creatures, phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing powers, and they make highly faithful pets."

I was about to say something then someone burst in and I turned around it was Hagrid still clutching the dead rooster.

"It wasn't them, Professor Dumbledore!"


"I was talkin' ter 'em jus' before that kid was found. It can't 've bin 'em!"


"I'll swear ter it in front o' the Ministry o' Magic-"

"HAGRID! I do not think that they attacked anyone."

"Oh. Right. I'll wait outside then."

Hagrid exits, I looked at Dumbledore hopefully.

"You don't think it was us, Professor?" Harry says

"No, Harry. But I must ask... is there anything you'd like to tell me. Anything at all?" He looks at us and Harry keeper quiet and I nudged him but Dumbledore didn't see me.

"No, Professor. Nothing." Harry answers

Childhood Friend (A Harry Potter Fan-Fiction) Book 2 Harry Potter X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now