Chapter 6: Elisa

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They followed me into the house and Grandma seemed to be very much her crazy self that I had come to know since yesterday.

"Ah, I wondered when you would show up, Malakai?" She purred.

Both guys looked a little uncomfortable, but Kai looked even more uncomfortable. It took all my self-control not to laugh at him as he fidgeted with the collar of his shirt.

He was surprisingly attractive, more so than anyone I have ever seen. I thought that Oakley was attractive, but standing next to Kai made him look average. Kai had black hair and blue eyes, so blue that it could swallow you whole like the ocean. Where Oakley had light brown hair and brown eyes. For some reason, my mind went back to the wolves last night. There was a black, light brown and auburn wolf. These two reminded me of them and Grandma's crazy words.

Surly not...

I think I might be going crazy, just like she had.

"What do you want this time, Malakai?" Grandma asked as she made coffee for everyone. Kai shuffled on his feet and then cleared his throat as he looked at me. "Oh, I told her, she just thinks I'm crazy. So carry on." She waved her hand.

Oakley snorted, and Kai elbowed him in his ribs, causing him to grunt.

"Very well then, we need your protection." Kai said. The way he said sounded like he was telling Grandma about the weather. I just stood there and watched them.

Grandma nodded. "The rogues are getting worse?"

"Yes, Mrs Adler. They are and we are worried about the young ones." Kai said.

She placed the mugs on the dining room table and ordered us to take our seats. Kai sat across from Grandma and I sat across from Oakley, with Grandma on my right and Kai on my left. I took a sip from my mug and I stared at them.

"Yes, yes. The young ones, are they still under lockdown?"

"Yup." Oakley answered, then took a sip from his mug, avoiding eye contact with anyone at the table.

"I see. Let me see what I can do. I will need a few things."

"Of course." Kai nodded, "just give me a list and I'll make sure you have everything." He looked at me for a moment, then back at Grandma. "She hasn't shifted yet?"

Grandma shook her head at the same time I choked on my coffee.

Oakley laughed, and Kai shot him a look as he slapped on my back. Grandma just watched everyone like the crazy person she was.

"You guys too?" I said in between coughing.

"Us?" Oakley asked in an amusing tone. "We shifted when we were sixteen." He said proudly, and that was it.

This town was overrun with idiot Amish people who believe in shifters. "I'm getting a headache." I muttered as I went to my room to get my pain killers. I couldn't find them, or my other medication. After about twenty minutes, I stormed into the kitchen. All three of them were still discussing something, but stopped as they all looked at me in question.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what, dear?" Grandma asked like she didn't know what I was talking about.

I gaped at her. "My medication?"

She waved towards the hallway, "flushed them." She smiled. Smiled like she was proud of what she just did. "You don't need them."

I made a sound between a gasp and snort as I stared at her in disbelief. I threw my hands up in the air, "this is unbelievable." I muttered. "Just fucking unbelievable."

"If you don't believe me, you can check the sewage lines and the empty bottles in the dustbin." Grandma smiled again. It was a sweet smile to others but to me. Oh no, to me it meant war with this old lady.

I turned towards Kai and Oakley. "Is there a doctor's office in town?"

Kai frowned at my question. "Yes." Right then, a ping sounded. And sweet baby Jesus in a manger, he took out a cellphone. I glowered at Grandma, who continued to smile at me. This woman was going to be the death of me if she continued like this.

"You have a cellphone?"

Oakley and Kai frowned at me. Like I was the crazy one here.

"It's the twenty-first century, cellphones are kinda the way to communicate." Oakley said sarcastically, and then he realized what was going on. "Oh! The Amish thing again."

"I dislike them." Grandma said and then shrugged, "so I told your father we don't allow those things here."

"He took my cards as well! Explain that?"

"I told him a long time ago that we live off the land and things like that."

Oakley and Kai laughed as they listened to what Grandma said. I, on the other hand, was not finding any of this funny or entertaining. I groaned and went to my room and got the phone out that dad gave to me and switched it on.

Then I decided to call him. He answered on the second ring.

"Elisa? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, if you count the fact that Grandma had gone nuts."

"What do you mean?"

"She lied about the 'living off the land' thing. Could you please, please, please send me my things, dad?"

"Sure, but would you promise me one thing?"


"Don't contact Kenzie."

"What? Why not?"

"It's a long story. I'll fill you in later. Okay? But please promise me to not contact her?"

"Fine." I lied.

We said our goodbyes, and I went back into the kitchen, finding them all still chuckling about what Grandma did. I smiled at her and waved the phone in the air and then slammed it on the table.

"I won." I stared her down.

She looked impressed. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, dear."

"Should we go?" Oakley muttered to Kai.

"Yes, we should." I said. I gave Grandma a nod. We left the house. It surprised me to see that there was a car waiting just around the corner near the woods. We got and left Grandma's property to head into town.

Let's just say nothing about the town was Amish. It actually had normal shops, like any other small town. There were restaurants and a medical facility. Not a lot of cars, though. But people here walked around with their phones and shopping bags. Luckily I grabbed some money from the stash dad left me. I had the prescriptions with me as well. I needed a wallet. That was my first priority. After I got that, Kai went to get the things Grandma had on her list, and Oakley went with me so that I could see the doctor about my prescription.

Turns out, they don't stock these medications that I need. The doctor frowned at my prescriptions and told me that he wanted to run some tests so that he could prescribe me something according to the tests.

I agreed, and he began with the tests.

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