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Shiva's pov:

The morning sun rays wake me up.I wake up and see it is 8:30. Like everyday,I take my phone and check for messages.It's my friend Raghu's message:

Are you awake?

I replied him saying:

Shiva:Just woke up.
Why? What happened?

When are you coming to pick me?
I am almost ready.

Shiva:You come here.We'll go to college from here.

Then what about Karthik?

Shiva:He said to me yesterday that he will directly meet us in the college.

Raghu:Ok.Then I'll come there.
Be ready.


Then I go down and see my dad leaving for his office and mom saying bye to him.

Shiva: Good day dad,Bye.


He left.

Shiva: Good morning ma.

Geeta: Good morning darling.
When did you wake up?

Shiva:Just now ma.

Geeta:Go get ready fast.Your breakfast will be ready in few minutes.


I got ready and wore a white T-Shirt and black jacket with jeans and went downstairs.

Shiva:Ma,I'm ready. My breakfast?

Geeta: Coming darling.....Here you go.

Shiva: Thanks.

I go to my favourite place in my house, the balcony.I sit there and enjoy my breakfast and music.
Just then,I here a sound,'Ayee......'
I looked behind, and it was her,the torture of my life,my sister,Seema.

Seema:Raghu bro is waiting for you downstairs and you're listening to songs?And with whose permission are you sitting on my bean bag?

Yes,it was hers. I thought she was asleep and was sitting on it because mine was not comfy.

Shiva:Ok,ok. I am going, don't start it morning only...And I'm not gonna buy you that thing.

Seema:No need!I already got it.

Shiva: What???!How? Where is it?

Seema:Why should I tell you?

Shiva:Whatever!But how did you got?

Seema:My friend Yashmi bought me.And she is coming over tomorrow. Why am I telling you these? Forget it!

Shiva:Who Yashmi?Do you have a friend named Yashmi?

Seema:Yeah!She is my new best friend.She helped me when I was in need.So we became best friend.And her friends became my friends now!!Ok. Go down.Raghu bro is waiting for you.

Shiva:I know!Get off my way!!!!

Saying this I pushed her and ran down. I saw Raghu looking at me angrily.

Shiva: Sorry dude.

And we left to college in my car.I parked my car and see Karthik coming towards us.We all three are best friends.We went inside our class.We attended all our lectures.

After the college got over,we went to my Guest House,had some fun watching movies.We went to our own places about 8pm.I saw my dad is back from his office.We had our dinner and went to our room by 9pm and slept.

This is my everyday routine.

I know!I am not like other rich boys I know.But I am perfect for me.I don't have any other friends except Raghu and Karthik.I see some rich boys/girls who are lower than my status , surrounded with a big gang and with their girlfriend/boyfriend.I don't have a girlfriend.Yes,I like to be alone.In my theory, having so much friends doesn't matter,but having true ones matter the most to me. This is my life.

Me,my parents,my sister,Raghu and Karthik.That's it. Enough for me.I am happy with it.


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