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Yashmi's pov:

Before leaving,we all took a group photo. I was standing between Karthik and Seema. After taking pic,I turn towards Karthik and I see Shiva there. I don't know that I was actually standing near Shiva or Karthik. So I asked him:

Yashmi: Excuse me, Shiva.

Shiva: Yes please.

Yashmi: Actually Karthik was standing near me right?

Shiva: Yes!I was standing there where he is now. He said me to come here so that he will be seen in the pic clearly. That's why he is with Raghu.

Yashmi: Oh okay!!

Shiva: Mmmm...We....ummm....shall....

Yashmi: Feel free to ask.

Shiva: Shall we click a selfie?

Yashmi: Sure......but my phone's camera is not really good.......

Shiva: That's ok, we'll click in my phone and I will send you the pics through whatsapp.

Yashmi:. Ok then.

Shiva's pov:

They were just leaving, suddenly Karthik said:

Karthik: Wait!Let's take a group photo and then leave.

Shiva: Yes!Come on(Excited)

Karthik: Shiva,don't show over excitement da. Control it(Whispering)

I just gave him a embarrassed smile. I was standing near Raghu. I saw Karthik was standing near Yashmi. I went near him and said:

Shiva: Dei Karthik,please you go and stand near Raghu da please........ I'll stand here..... please da dei.....

Karthik: Why da?

Shiva: Your asking like you don't know.....See next to you.

He turned and saw Yashmi there.

Karthik: My fate(Hitting his palm on this forehead)

He was near Raghu and I near Yashmi.
After clicking pic,she asked me that it was Karthik next to her and how am I here now. I builded up a lie and said. She even believed it. Real kozhanthai!!
I wanted to click a selfie with her. I asked her hesitantly and she said yes.
I was so happy. I took my phone out. I bended to her height to click a perfect selfie. Her soft cheek touched my bearded cheek. That made sure that she was really close to me. I was sweating a little. First time,I have been this restless. I calmed myself and forced myself to smile. I took 4-5 photos. She gave me her number to send the pics. But I'm not gonna leave with the photos. My inner self was dancing. I gave a call to her number so that she can save my number. I saved her's as 'Dora'. Her voice,her cuteness,her childishness.......Uff..the perfect name for her is 'Dora'. It was 7 and they left in a hurry bidding bye. We sent a driver to leave them safely. Before she went,she smiled at me and waved me bye. I replicated her and they all left. My boys too left to their places. I went upstairs to my room and just laid on my bed thinking how beautiful the day was.

Yashmi's pov:

Though he bended a little to my height,I had to stand on my toes being short. I was very close to him. My cheeks touched his. He didn't said anything to me. He took 4-5 selfies. I gave him my number. He gave a ring to my number so that I can save his number. I don't know what he has saved my number but I saved his as 'Crush💙'. It was for the first time I had saved someone's number as 'Crush'. We all left. The car was moving. I don't know what the girls were talking. I was in my own thoughts. We stopped the car near the bus-stop where Karthik picked us.
We said to the driver that our house was nearby,so we all can go by ourselves. Even though he didn't want to leave us alone,we convinced him to leave and he left. The girls were talking some random stuff. Where as I was again in my thoughts. Tina and Sheela took another path as their houses were together but away from us. Piya stays next to my building. Her father left her and her mother when she was 8. Her mom name is Saroja.I call Piya's mom as 'Saroja mummy' and Piya calls my mum as 'Amma'. As Piya is closest to me among all,I thought I'll open up to her everything about HIM.

Yashmi: Piya....

Piya: Mmmm.

Yashmi: That Shiva you remember?

Piya: Yaaaa.....(With a doubtful look)

Yashmi: He is handsome right?

Piya: Why are you asking me these now?

Yashmi: Tell macha....

Piya: Hmm...Not bad...

Yashmi: What do you mean by'Not bad' huh?He is really cool.

Piya: Why are you getting frustrated?

Yashmi: Macha...I...th....ink..ummm.....I

Piya: Say properly..(With one eyebrow raised)

Yashmi:I think I have fallen for him
(Closing both the eyes tightly)

Piya: Really?????

Yashmi: Yes macha...And you noticed?He was just staring at me.

Piya: That's right. I too noticed that many times.

Yashmi: See!Will you help me macha??


(The selfies and photos they took is shown at the top)

What do you think?Will Piya help her?Or not?

Do comment and don't forget to vote.
Sorry for the mistakes if any. Written in a hurry😁

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