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This episode is gonna be small compared to others. Sorry.

Yashmi's pov:

I was just staring at him,and suddenly, my eyes fell on the person who was coming from upstairs. It's the same person with whom I fought in Mc.Donalds. What is he doing here?I was just shivering. Then I here a word, 'Raghu'.
I turned and it was Shiva. He said:

Shiva: Raghu, come here.

Oh!His name is Raghu. But what is he doing here?How does Shiva know his name?I was cluless. I turned my head towards my girls,and they are shocked like they saw some alien. Raghu just replicated us. Then Seema said:

Seema: Raghu bro,they're my friends. This is Yashmi,Piya,Sheela and Tina.

She introduced one by one of us to him. Why is Seema always introducing me first to everyone?I thought to myself annoyed.

Seema: Girls,This is Raghu,Shiva's friend.

What!?Raghu is Shiva's friend?I was so shocked. The person who I fell for,(Shiva)his friend is(Raghu)the person to whom I fought badly yesterday?
I thought he is gonna insult us in front of everyone as how I did in Mc.Donalds and throw us out of the house.

He slowly came near me. I started to shiver. And then,he smiled extended his hand saying 'Hi'. I was surprised. I slowly shook hand with him. My hands were still shaking. I said 'Hi' with a fake smile. He left my hand,shook hands with the girls and sat beside Shiva. We slowly sat down.

Then Geeta aunty said that the food is ready,so we can jump in. I was between Shiva and Tina. Next to Tina,it was Seema then Piya and opposite Piya it was Sheela and then Karthik,then Raghu and then aunty. Raghu was sitting in the opposite chair of me. I looked at him with a sorry face. But he just smiled. I was wondering how can a person be this calm. I insulted him in front of everyone and he didn't took revenge. So,I stopped worrying about Raghu and started concentrating on Shiva.
He was heighted and his long legs needed some space. His legs suddenly touched mine. I was shocked;My spine started to shiver. I moved my eyes slowly towards him with hesitation,he said 'Sorry'with a sorry face which looked soo cute. I just smiled and nodded conveying 'No problem' because I liked it.

The food was served everyone started eating but......

Shiva's pov:

Everyone were enjoying the food but I see Yashmi not eating. I was going to ask but:

Geeta: Yashmi,why are you not eating ma?

Yashmi: Actually aunty,I am a pure vegetarian. But the food served here is all non-veg.

Geeta: Oh no!Seema didn't inform me about this. Or else we would've cooked something veg for you. Seema,why didn't you tell me?At least you must have said this to cook right?

Seema: Sorry ma! I forgot. I'm really sorry Yashmi.

Geeta: What can we do with your sorry now?We can't give your sorry to her for eating right?

Yashmi:It's ok Seema. Aunty,it's ok. No problem. You all have food, I'll be sitting on the couch.

Yashmi's pov:

Saying this I stood up. I was about to leave,but I felt someone grabbing my wrist. What! I turned to my surprise I see Shiva holding my hand and looking at me. He said:

Shiva: Yashmi,sit down.

Wow!My name sounds so beautiful in his voice. I have never felt this before. I have always been a tomboy and never ever felt this before. I mean,I had crushes on neighborhood guys and college guys. But this man,so called Shiva,is making me blush and smile like anything. I never listen to anyone accept my parents and been arrogant with my decision. But when he said,my heart just said to listen him and do what he said. And I did it.

Shiva's pov:

I told her to sit and without even thinking she sat down. How sweet of her!! I asked the cook:

Shiva: Are there no other vegetarian dish?

Cook: No pa. Amma just said me to cook only non-veg and that's what I did.

Shiva: Ok. The margerita pizza which I ordered is still in the fridge. Yashmi,are you ok with pizza?It is margerita and not even opened yet.

She just nodded 'yes' looking into my eyes. Oh God! Are those eyes or magnet?I controlled myself because now eye contact isn't important for me. I want her to eat now. I asked the cook to heat it and give it to her. I turned towards her. She just gave me a bright smile and said 'Thanks' in a soft tone. I said 'That's ok'. The cook gave it to her and she started eating. We all finished the food. Mom went to her room to take a nap. Seema and the girls went to the balcony. Of course,Yashmi was also with them and I sat infront of them so that......You all know why.
I could see in the corner of my eyes that she is also looking at me without anyone noticing. That moment,I had butterflies on my stomach. I was just smiling like a mad. It's true when people say that 'Love can make you mad'. I turn on the TV. It was my favourite music channel and one of my fav song,..........


Which song is that?What is your idea?
Do you know which song it is?

If yes, comment your answer and let's see whose answer was right.
One hint:
(It is Dhanush sir's song)

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Don't mind if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes😁

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