Sequel : C1

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Welcome to the sequel! I decided to revamp the last book and put it here so you won't have to search around for the sequel book.
Enjoy reading!


"Damn it! You shocked me!" The pencil tip broke as Sora was jolted from her seat when a bubbly raccoon invaded her space in sudden. Sora glared, definitely annoyed.

"Can I copy your homework?" He flashed his gummy smile and puppy eyes.

Sora scoffed is disbelief. "Kim Sunwoo..." her voice muttered low while she stretched her arms as much as she could.


"I TOLD YOU TO STOP GOING OUT AT NIGHT!" Sora headlocked Sunwoo.

"Wait, Sora! Whㅡ people are watching!" Sunwoo squirmed. Now he remembered that lately Sora followed Jisung to gym...for an unknown purpose but yeah no wonder her grip was even stronger.

"So what? You are embarrassed?" Sora glared. Sunwoo nodded, he already gave up from freeing himself.

Their classmates were watching with full of interest, although it happened for mostly everyday.

"The couple is acting up again.." one of them shook their head.

"Aish I am jealous." The other one sighed.

Sora stopped headlocking Sunwoo and let him go. "Listen, you lazybum! You need to to finish your homework before going anywhere."

Sunwoo shrugged. "Nah, I prefer to copy your—"

"Say that again dude." Sora pointed her pencil right in front of Sunwoo's eyes.

"Okay okay. I will."Sunwoo cowered. "Damn, Sora you're getting even more violent nowadays." he muttered. Damn...this was humiliating him.

Sora rolled her eyes then returned to her seat. If she did not ignore Sunwoo, who knew until when he would keep ranting about how his life was pitiful whereas he was stuck to Sora forever as a neighbor and then he thought he would not have to see her face again after graduating but he was wrong!

Sunwoo enrolled in Gunghwa University, under Faculty of Health Science. He never knew Sora was there too until he had his elective club; Sora was voted as the new board committee and he was the second in command.

"Ah great." Sunwoo sighed.


It was another typical  class break; Sora went to the audio room as she forgot her notebook in the locker. She happily strode while listening to some upbeat music to lift her mood.

But probably it just happened to be her bad day afterall. After taking a turn to the right near the stairs, she bumped her shoulder with a book, for God's sake who even tried to heave those thick Biology reference book while walking downstairs.

Sora groaned in pain mixed with annoyance.

"Oh, sorry! Didn't see you there!" The male student apologized although Sora could not see his face because the books he carried made it invisible.

"Yeah, whatever." Sora scoffed while collecting her phone that she accidentally let it fly when she bumped with that guy.

"DAMN! IT'S FUCKING CRACKED!" Sora screamed when she realized her phone screen was extremely cracked and she felt it could never be fixed anymore.

"Sorry!!" The male put down the book and went to Sora. Clumsily, both of them bumped their heads thus they right away raised their voices simultaneously.



And then both of them went speechless.

Sora knew this person longer than he knew anyone in this university...except Sunwoo of course.

"Wah, look who's here." Sora smirked, could not believe whom in front of her.

"Sora? You are here?"

"Yes I am here...duh Lee Hyunjae." Sora did not want to stall more time, her time was not supposed to be wasted with someone like Hyunjae. "Well, I need to go."

"Wait!" Hyunjae grabbed Sora's arm while uttering something. However, Sora was quick on her feet to yank his hand away and strode out to the ground floor.

Ugh, what a nuisance.

A/N: Hi, how do you enjoy this story? Do tell me and do leave a comment! Whatevet your critism is highly appreciated 🤗 Also, I recently create a Twitter account, you can follow me @LJthemainrapper and I will gladly follow back. Until then, let's meet at the next chapter which things will get interesting soon.

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