Chapter 14

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Nekure laughed as the ground shook and soon pieces of the ground raised to make pillars. I was lifted up on one and Kye was still on the ground. I watched as I was raised up and I looked at Nekure, "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"I know what you are doing," He said, "And I only want to make your life misrable for not returning my love. Also telling me that I was cruel and I was going to die."

"You are terrible. Seriously," Kye said from below me.

I looked for a way out but the exit was blocked by Nekure's throne. So cliche. I looked down at Kye before taking in a deep breath. Quickly looking around I jumped off the pillar, and landed in Kye's arms. Once on my feet I looked at Nekure, "Spoiled little brat, even after death."

He glared at me and the pillar I was just one began to topple over. Kye and I moved out of the way towards Nekure's throne. I went around the throne where Nekure couldn't see me. I waited for Kye but then I heard him yell. I ran back around and find him floating in the air, "Nekure! Put him down!"

Nekure laughed, "Why would I do that Kawit? So you can break his heart when you leave him?"

That was harsh but true. I had broken hearts before but Kye was different, he didn't want me to leave. He cared. "I love him more then I ever loved you Nekure. Your jealous of our love!"

Nekure picked me up with his mind and pulled me close so we were eye to eye, "I'm dead, your immortal. Two beings stuck with a unwanted fate. How is that not screaming 'perfect'? Hm? Mortal and immortal? Sounds more like Twilight to me."

"Weirdo," I muttered and kicked him in the eye. He dropped us both and Kye grabbed a broken sword, "He's dead Kye, thats's not going to hel-"

But Kye had thrown the sword, stabbing Nekure and making him disappear. I loked at Kye, "Are you kidding me?"

Kye shrugged and we walked through the exit.

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