Chapter 20-Epilogue

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Majesty stood in the pyramid, resting it with new surprises in store for the next person to come through. As she setted the room the ruby laid and looked at it. With a sigh she placed it on the stand, "I will miss you Destiney." She said then turned to leave.

She went back through to make sure everything was in order, new ghosts, new traps, new everything. She stood in the entrance and looked back. The laughter of the friends still echoed as a sign of happiness and hope. She only could feel a mix of sadness and happiness. But soon the sadness left. She turned to leave then she saw it.

A new fate. A little girl born with the sight of fate who is has just been orphaned. Majesty went to the orphanage and watched the girl as she dreamt. She looked into the girl's fate. Majesty saw that the girl would be an orphan for a long time until she would run away at age 15. That was no future for a girl with such a gift. She took the form of a human and walked into the front. She was going to adopt the girl and raise her.

A new bringer of fate.


That's the end guys! My second book is over! This has been hard to work with but I had fun and I hoped you guys loved it as much as I did. Please do check out my other books of you haven't. Thank you for reading this! Bye!


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