Part 3

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The Dwarfs were a merry bunch singing and laughing at the jokes that they joked out between their Ale drinking contests, and food stuffing. Ade laughed loudly clapping her hands as Kili and Fili joked with her earning blushes, and a jealous sister. Andi crossed her arms hiding in the corner.

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt... But what do i do with my plate?" A young dwarf asked bilbo holding it out infront of him "Here you go Nori, give it to me" Fili said his brother running to the other side of the room across from Fili.

Fili gave a smirk to Ade a glint in his eye "Oh he's up to no good." Ade laughed standing next to her sister who gave a nod in reply. Fili threw the plate in the air before catching it again and tossing it like a Frisbee "Oh!" Gandolf gasped dodging the plate before it was given to Kili who bounced it off his elbows into the kitchen.

Plate after plate they were tossed into the kitchen, the dwarfs laughing at the face Bilbo makes "Excuse me! Thats my Mother's West Farthering Pottery!! Its over 100 years old!" He yells pointing at the flying plates

Laughing the older dwarf in the dining area started a beat with the knifes and forks earning a red faced Hobbit.

Bilbo marched towards them his cheeks slightly pink "Look. . .  A-a-and can you not do that!?! You'll Blunt them!" Andi let her smile slip watching Bilbo run around "He looks like a chicken with his head cutt off." She giggled seeming to loosen up more and more "I agree. But i think we should watch."

"Oooooh, did you hear that Lads? He says we'll blunt 'em."

"Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
That's what Bilbo Baggins hates

Cut the cloth and trail the fat!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Splash the wine on every door!

Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you've finished, if they are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!"

Grabbing instruments the Company do the chorus sending the twins into a dance. Fili jogs up to the girls taking their hands twirling them while he laughs. Kili soon joining him takes Ade from his older Brother taking her waist twirling and holding her up in the air

"That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" They finish sending everyone into the kitchen to see the unknown damage. Bilbo gasped silently his lips apart for the hundreth time in one night making him look like a gaping fish out of water. Gandolf chuckled at his Burglar taking his pipe in between his lips.

'Knock Knock' A loud heavy fist beat upon the door sending everyone silent for the first time in the night "He's Here. . . Ade, please go retrieve our guest." Ade froze her hands gripping her dress tightly. She looks over at Kili and Fili who gave a soft nod "Yes. . . Well Gandolf would you like to assist me?" He gave a soft smile "Yes dear. As you wish." Standing he dunked under the beams of the small home hitting his head once again on the chandelier.

Ade gasped for breath looking up at Gandolf for reassurance. He motioned his head to the door setting a hand on her slender shoulder which sent a pang of jealousy threw Kili, whose face darkened. Andi turned her head toward the younger Dwarf not sure what was in front of her eyes.

Ade gripped the door pulling it opened a new figure infront of her. About her height give or take slightly shorter, he was an older dwarf his hair long and black a few strands on grey running threw it. "Gandolf, i thought you said this would be easy to find? I lost my way twice and wouldn't have found this home if weren't for the mark upon the door." Bilbo nervously ran into the main hall "There is no mark! I just had that painted last week!" I turned to him "Brother, there is a mark. . . I watched Gandolf put it on there." Bilbo crossed his arms glaring at me "Of course you did! Its about this adventure isn't it?!?! There will be no Baggins going on such a thing!" I lowered my head my ears showing to the company "A dwarvish Elf?" One murmured gasps and whispers sounding after them.

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