Part 4

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Andi shook her sister softly the dwarves mumbles heard in the other room. Ade moaned loudly rubbing her hair from her face with the back of her hand " Sister, its time to go. I wrote Bilbo a note before i was asked to wake you." Ade opened her eyes smiling at her sister "I am glad i will not go alone. That you have decided to stay with me." Andi smiled setting her forhead against Ade's grinning "Why back down from an adventure?" The eldest twin grinned " I am ready. But only require my cloak, and my top tunic."

Andi nodded leaning against the wall her arms crossed "What is your opinion on these dwarves, Ade?" She blushed but hid it quickly "They are decent beings, Andi. But the two Brothers Fili, and Kili perk my interest. They do not seem all Dwarf, they must have some other creature in them." Andi nodded tossing her sisters boot towards her "Hurry, for we leave as soon as Thorin says the word." Ade nodded to her sister slipping her corset over her stomach and boots on her feet "I will see you with the horses." Andi informed her walking out the door.

Andi sighed walking outside the shire door. The Dwarves laughed cheerfully pushing each other at each joke given. Crossing her arms Andi chuckled with a raised eyebrow towards the group of children men. "Im sorry for my Company." A voice said making Andi freeze. Thorin silently sighed at her tense shoulders "It is alright, they are a merry bunch. Its rare for people to behave so on a quest they know may end their lifes." Thorin grunted walking to stand next to her looking (Slightly ever so) down at her "And do you fear death?"

"No, i embrace it. I will fetch Ade." She replied looking up at King before walking away smoothing out her dress in nervous habbit "Wait." Andi turned facing the dwarf again " Retrieve your horses. I will have Kili retrieve her." Andi smirked "Youve seen it also?" He chuckled "Yes, now hurry. We do not need time wasted." Andi nodded walking to the back of the shire hearing Thorins voice grumble Kili's name.

Grabbing their belongings that were already set up by the horses, she began strapping them down whispering a song to the horses to sooth them as their noises of concern grew louder. "Hush now Shadow. " She grinned taking a apple from a basket feeding it to him "Andi! Is Shadow and Dia (Dye-ah) ready?" Andi nodded pulling herself up on the sadle. "Aye, Dia is yours for this trip" Ade nodded petting the white horse " Fall out!" Thorin yelled sending Ade and Andi's horses forward trotting to meet up with the group. "Ade!" Kili yelled waving his hand for her to come forward.

Ade looked at her sister questioning leaving her twin behind. "Go Noothe. I will be fine." She smiled laughing softly at Ade. 

Ade grinned widely pushing Dia towards Kili. Andi chuckled watching her sister from behind.

After a few miles the company sat lively talking about the trip ahead, filing the twins at the sight they will see once arriving to Erebor. "It sounds lovely Bufor. I do hope to help this group with returning to their home." Bufor blushed at Ade's statement earning a jealous Kili "WAIT! W-WAIT! I signed it!! I signed the contract." A small voice yelled from far behind, their heavy breathing heard from miles away "Halt." Thorin yelled turning his black stead around to face the figure running "Bilbo!" Andi yelled jumping from her horse hugging her adopted brother tightly.

"I-i signed it." Bilbo sighed out holding the contract up to Balin to review it "Everything looks in order, Master Baggins. Welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Thorin grumbled under his breath turning his horse back around "Give him a pony." He yelled again moving forward " Oh no no no! I dont think thats neccesary. I c-can keep up on foot! Ive done my fair share of walking holidays. You know i even got as far as- A-ahh!" Bilbo screamed as he was lifted up by his arms and sat upon a pony.

Ade held her hand over her lips holding back her laughter at her brother. Kili and Fili smirked trotting their horses to her pace. Clicking noises filled their ears as bags were tossed from dwarf to dwarf chuckling soon following it "What was that about?" Bilbo asks keeping his pace to Gandalf "They wagered if you would show or not, Master Baggins." Gandolf replied lifting his head slightly to look over the group "And what did you think?" Bilbo asked before a bag was tossed Gandalfs way "I never doubted you for a second" He chuckled looking down at the small hobbit.

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