Part 10

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Bilbo laid awake his thoughts bickering back and forth. He put his hands to his ears trying to block out the voices whispering their sides of the argument:

"We are not needed! Leave and go home. Forget everyone!"

"No! Your sisters are here! Leave them and they will be lost to you forever!"

"They are not your blood, Bilbo! But surely they will find you in Rivendell! Didn't Ade promise you that you would go back? After this journey she will know to find you there. . . Right?"

'Im going mad!' He thought rubbing his face with his hands 'I must leave. Ade and Andi, though I love them dearly, are safe with these dwarves! I am no use to them.' He turned to Andi watching her chest rise and fall (Not in a weird way! Get you minds out of the gutter), Thorin's arm drapped around her waist. Than he turned to Ade a smile on her face as she leaned her head against Kili's shoulder, wrapped in his fur coat. 'Yes' He thought to himself ' They will be better off without me. ' He quietly stood packing his belongings and taking hold of his sword to strap on his waist.

"Goodbye, find me in Rivendell. . ."

He walked to the entrance quickly and quietly only the soft sounds of his feet and the water droplets hitting the stone floor of the cave.

Bofur sat twiddling with something in his hands passing the time until the next shift. He looked up as Bilbo reached the end of the cave jumping to his feet "Where do you think you're going? He asks stopping Bilbo.

Bilbo turns to him sighing not wanting to explain himself "Back to Rivendell." He states trying to turn away. Bofur takes hold of him turning the Hobbit to face him "No, no, you cant turn back now, you're part of the Company! You and the Lass' are on of us."

"Im not though, am I? Thorin said I should never have come, and he was right. I'm not a Took, i'm not an-an Elvish Dwarf, I'm a Baggins, I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have run out my door. . . Let Ade and Andi run out our door. "

Bofur gave a soft smile of understanding "You're homesick; I understand."

"No, you don't, you don't understand! None of you do- you're dwarves. You used to-to this life, to living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere." Bofur's face fell. Bilbo stopped in his tracks the words that escaped his mouth reaching his brain "Im sorry. . . I-"

Bofur shook his head "No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck in the world. I really do." Bilbo sighed giving up in apologizing.

But a bright light caught Bofur eyes. "What's that?"

Bilbo pulled his sword partway out from his sheath noticing the bright blue glowing from it. Thorin's head rises hearing the moan and creeks of machinery, then he looks to the floor the sand slidding through the crack in the floor "Wake up. Wake up!" Thorin pulls Andi to him, Kili does the same to Ade.

But before any of the company could react, the floor collapses on them sending in a spiral down into the depths of the unknown. The sisters held on to the closest thing to them (Which was Kili and Thorin.( Also im not trying to make them seem like they cant function without their men) gripping the tunics tightly.

But soon the falling ended as they landed in a giant wooden cage. Struggling to get up the dwarves climbed over each other gripping the poles of the cage tightly. Ade looked up her eyes wide "W-what are those?" She yelled making the company follow her stare "Goblins." Thorin growled out holding onto Andi tighter then ever. The Goblin horde soon made their way to the company reaching and scratching the way to the company.

Walking the walkways and bridges escorting them 9In a very unkindly manner) to a large space, a large fat Goblin sitting on his throne. Andi's arms were held tightly as she and Ade were pulled away from the group farther to the side. "No!" Kili yells struggling to reach his mate. Thorin stood frozen his eyes on Andi, then on his group before him.

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