Part 6

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Before i say anything in this chapter THE HOBBIT: BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES IS OUT!!!! :D Oh mer gawd! xD My life will be complete with my Hobbit dvds now complete. I already have all of the LOTRs' so this will complete the series of Tolkien!


( Also this will be mostly Ade's POV just in 3rd person)

Pain, was all she felt. Blackness was all she could see. But she could feel the heat of a hand holding hers, the sound of whispers and sniffles coming threw the dense fog that surrounded her mind. "Come Laddies. Its time to feast." A voice said sadly pushing everyone out of the room.

"No, I will stay with her Balin. Bilbo, Andi, if it is alright i do wish for you to eat. I shall be out shortly. . .  Or until she wakes."


His voice was the loudest out of everyone in the fog of her mind, calling her. . . No leading her to where she needed to be. "Yes, I believe that will be alright." Bilbo sighed most likely dragging out a stunned Andi. "N-no! Bilbo i cannot just leave her!" The door clicked leaving the room in a soft silence. The only sounds where their breathing and Andi's yells down the hall.

Kili sighed and his grip tighten on her hand. "Ade, it is said that even in sleep people can hear their friends, or loved ones. I shall not ask much of ya'. Just please open those beautiful violet eyes. . .  Look at me once more. " She could feel her insides twist trying with the power she had left to open her eyes. Move her hand at least! But her body wouldnt have it. Kili sighed in defeat " If you dont wake up, we'll have to leave ya. . .  I dont want that happening when i just found ya. Not when i have you, My One, in my grasp! Please Ade Baggins. . .  Wake up!" He almost yelled at the end his eyes closed and his head low.

Ade saw a dim light following it she could feel a numb feeling in her toes, moving to the tips of her fingers, to her head. Her fingers moved slightly earning a gasp from Kili, knowing he had a smile on his face as he looked down at her astounded at the sight. "K--kili." She moaned softly moving her head to face him 'Yes Ade, follow what you see. Come back." Ade in her own mind held her hand over her eyes, the light now brightly lit her face. But taking that final step she gasp for breath her eyes open and taking in the unfamiliar ceiling and bed.

"Men lananubukhs menu. . .  Men lananubukhs menu.(I love you)" Kili Muttered smiling brightly at the now awake Ade.

Ade looked confused for a moment but brushed it off knowing Khuzdul was a language well hidden by Dwarves. "I see you are awake." Ade smiled and nodded  watching Kili smile brightlly "Gellon ned i galar i chent gîn ned i gladhog. . . ( I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh)" Ade whispered making Kili in return look confused "I will say the meaning if you say yours." Ade tried to prod a smile forming on her lips.

Kili chuckled "Aw, common tongue. Such a useful way of speaking, yes?" He asked helping Ade sit up slowly. She hissed in pain gripping her side where the arrow once was. "Slowly. . ." Kili warned helping her scoot back to the head rest. "I will tell you the meaning of my phrase, but first a story is needed to be said for you to understand." Kili sighed running his hand over his face 'I was going to wait, but seeing you lying here. . .  I knew i should have told you when we first met. Dwarves, as you know are hard headed, bad of hearing, handsome, and smart race." "Dont forget egotistic." Ade added her arms crossed " Well, that too." He chuckled his eyes rolling "But we have a special someone to even us out. They are called' The One' or 'My One'. Our mate in other terms. They help us threw hardships,  memorable times. . . But mostly to keep us in check. " Ade smiled " How do you know who they are?" Kili smiled looking down at the ground 'Its different for some they say. But i found mine, Ade. She was. . . She was surrounded by a bright light. Star light. . .  Her voice like a angel. Her looks like a siren." Ade frowned on the inside "She must be beautiful" Ade replied sadly making Kili laugh loudly "She is, and she sits infront of me. A wound to the waist. and a arrow that she shot in my heart." Ade's head shot up a look of shock plastered on her features.

Her insides felt like mush, a light fluttering feeling of Pixies in her stomach" I love to see your eyes shine when you laugh" She translated a soft smile gracing her lips. Kili's face quickly went to confusion but then was graced once again with a smile. "I Love you."


Just a filler! I know short dont hate but ive been sick. Im just struggling to type this!!! So im glad i have so many people liking and reading this book!!! :D Please keep it up!  And thank you from the deepest part of my heart where all the blood and viens are. :3 If your on spring break enjoy it! If its already summer Have fun! And if its starting to turn into fall have a blast in the leave piles or snow banks! but enjoy this ;)  also the picture is the actors Aiden and Dean or known as Kili (aiden) and Fili( Dean )

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