Chapter 12

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Since Draco realized he loved you he's been trying to ruin yours and Harrys relationship even more now

"So Sorry Harry, Draco had a nightmare last night and around evening he starts remembering them and scares himself, so I had to calm him down and by the time he was calm it was late and I fell asleep in his dorm." You say and Harry nods

"Oh it's fine did you sleep in his bed?" Harry asks and you nod

"Yeah is something wrong with that?" You ask and Harry was shocked but just shook his head

"Well I've never slept in the same bed as my friends but your friendship is different." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah it is we've shared a bed since I could remember so it's not weird for me, maybe for you because you never shared a bed with Ron or hermione since you were a kid, but me and Draco have done that, like ever since I stayed at his place for months I'd sleep on his bed if one of us had nightmares. So to me it's normal." You say and Harry nods

"Yeah I can see why it's different I sometimes am shocked how close you and Draco are." Harry says and you nod as you smile at him

"I guess me and Draco are different then your friendships but again we grew up together, like we shared a crib together when mine and his parents hung out, so he's kinda grown really attached to me." You say and Harry nods as he's obviously noticed how attached Draco is to you like he's never seen a person so attached to another person

"How about we try again tonight?" Harry say and just as you were about I agree Draco runs over

"Y/n I need help." Draco says and you nod

"Sorry Harry I have to go Draco needs me." You say and Draco pulls you off as you laugh

*No dates! I am gonna stop them all so they break up! Harry doesn't deserve y/n! Even if she never loves me back I'll be upset but I'll always be there for her, just she can't date Potter!* 

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