Chapter 20

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When you woke up in Dracos arms Draco kisses you and you kiss him back

"Good afternoon beautiful, so you wanna go again?" Draco says as he pulls your bra strap down and kisses your shoulder

And you wanted this! This is what you wanted so badly

"So when you breaking up with Harry for me." Draco says and then it hit you, oh  right your with Harry omg you just cheated on your boyfriend with your best friend

"I don't know." You say and Draco kisses you and you kiss him back as he holds you close to his body

"Fuck, I love you." Draco says and you loved him too kissing him and being close to him just felt so right and perfect

"I love you too." You say and Draco smiles

"Then break up with Harry as soon as you can." Draco says as he keeps planting kisses all over you

"I want to so badly I love you so much." You say and Draco smiles

"Good I love you too." Draco says as you sit up slightly and Draco deepens the kiss


You were talking to Pansy and some other slytherins as Draco walked over and wrapped his arms around you and whispers I had fun in your ear

But then Harry walks over and looked confused why Draco was smirking at you and your face was red

Draco notices Harry and he buried his face into your neck and you felt Dracos breath on your neck

And as Harry talked to you draco sneakily somehow kissed your neck without Harry noticing

You were panicking so much as Draco put his hood of his robe up to hide his face even more

When Draco stopped Draco said y/n I need to talk to you

And then without you saying anything Draco dragged you off

*I don't know what to do anymore, like I love Draco and want to be with him, but Harry is so nice and I don't wanna hurt him, but well I know I have to, because Draco is the one I want*

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