Chapter 70

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It's been two months since the twins were born

And Draco tries to come over as much as he can, but that's difficult

"Next month if your daddy's birthday did you both know that? I wonder if this war will be over by then, so we can do something for him." You say as you rub Amaltheas back as she sleeps

You smile as you rock her to try and get her to sleep like her brother

You just wanted a nap so you hope you can get that

But suddenly Draco came bursting through the front door which was odd

Draco runs over to you and kisses you so happily

"What's going on?" You ask and Draco smiles

"You're safe now." He says and you looked confused

"What do you mean?" You ask and Draco smirks widely

"It means Voldemort is dead, I just got back from a battling death eaters at Hogwarts, I also told my parents your alive and that's why I'm fighting against them, because why would I fight for the people who would make me kill my soulmate." Draco says and you kiss him and he kisses you back as he pulls you close

"Now hows Scorpius and Amalthea?" Draco asks and you smile

"They are both great and mostly asleep, Thea is having some trouble." You say and Draco nods

*Before I left to come here, I had told my parents guess you won't ever meet your grandchildren, they gasped shocked and my mom almost fainted, but I left before I could hear anything they say I don't want them around y/n or my kids until I know they are safe around them* Draco thinks as he took Amalthea and held her close to him

"I never have to leave again." Draco says and you smile as you snuggle up to him

"I'm glad."

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