Chapter 21

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For past week you've been sleeping in Dracos dorm

Well 'sleeping' because not much sleeping goes down in his dorm

And once day as you were laying on Dracos bed as he kisses your neck, you both heard one of his friends say Harry is downstairs for you, and to unlock the door and let you leave

You just get up and fix your hair and outfit as Draco didn't want you to leave

But you went downstairs and immediately Harry pointed out how your shirt was backwards

"Oh I must have put it on backwards this morning thanks for telling me." You say and Harry just talks with you as Draco walks downstairs shirtless only with his jeans on and he had a hickey or two from you, on his neck and chest

That he was proudly showing

Harry had noticed Draco and was confused what was going on 

"Y/n! I wanna go back to hanging out who cares about your boyfriend no one does." Draco says and you nod

"Yeah sorry Harry I'm like really busy." You say and Harry nods

"It's fine I get it malfoy is your best friend and is a needy best friend." Harry says as Draco grabbed your ass and no one saw thankfully

You don't wanna be hooking up with Draco as your with Harry, just you don't know how to bring it up to Harry

And you can't stop with Draco you love him too much to stop

So you just keep cheating on Harry with Draco

And you just can't stop! You want Draco so badly you love him too much to ignore your feelings, you can't ignore them, even if you don't wanna keep cheating on Harry and just end your relationship

You can't find the right time to end it so your stuck not knowing what to do

Draco gets you back to his dorm and locks the door as your pressed up against it and Draco smirks as he whispers into your ear

"Now let's finish our fun."

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