Trade Baby Blues For Wide Eyed Browns

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(Pete's POV)

She is fucking nuts! She, of course being Patricks soon to be ex-wife. I still hate her name. I refuse to say it. And its not hard to refuse to say it when my boyfriend likes to pretend she doesn't exist. We pretend its not her driving by our house at weird times of the day. I mean, didn't she have a fucking job?! We pretend that its not her calling our house phone and hanging up. How the actual fuck did she even get the number?! We pretend its not her putting letters in the mail box. We just keep pretending. And I don't know how Patrick does it. Because I just might be losing my fucking sanity. I suggested filing for a restraining order but Patrick always shrugs it off and says it'll get better. AND IT STILL HASN'T GOTTEN ANY BETTER! I'd asked Patrick about the situation the night it happened and he'd lied to me. Claiming he really wasn't with her and that she was just mad over the fact that he left. I didn't question his ridiculous lie. We had a no questions asked trust rule. I just wish the rule meant he'd be more open and truthful. But I know it won't ever happen. And I know I won't ever want to leave him. So I just accept that fact that we will never have an honset relationship. At least we'll always have a loving relationship.

For a while, I was starting to think Patrick might be cheating on me again. But I quickly brushed off the idea because no matter how hard he tried to hide it, he was creeped out too. I saw it in his eyes when ever we'd get a pink envelope in the mail. We never opened them after the first one. We just threw it in the bin. It was my day to check the mailbox and I was worried already. I opened it and grabbed everything in it without looking. When I got in the house, Patrick walked over and took the mail from me to sort through it.

"Bill. Bill. Bill. Junk. Coupons. Bill. This is from Andy's place." He handed it to me and I took it. "Bill. Bi- What's this?"

He chunked the rest of the mail on the couch and began opening the large, manila envelope. He read over the sheet inside of it. I didn't want to seem nosey, so I just stood in front of him and waited for him to decide if he'd tell me what it was. His face went from confusion to relief to pure joy. Curiosity was starting to get the best of me. I couldn't help it. I snatched the paper from his hands and began reading it.

*This letter is addressed to Patrick V. Stump.
Mr. Stump,
We are obligated to inform you that your termination of Marriage to Elisa Yao has been legally finalised by the courts of-*

Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit! Holy fucking shit. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Patrick's divorce was finalized? Patrick actually filed for a fucking divorce?! My heart began to beat faster than what was probably medically possible. I reread the paper over and over again just expecting the words to shift and change into something else. Something disappointing. But they stayed the same. This was so unexpected. So random. So perfect! I knew it had to be one sided. That woman would never have agreed to this. And it happened so fast. I'm sure Patrick used his financial persuasion technique to speed up the process. And I loved it!

I finally looked up from the paper and was met with Patrick's intense stare. He was waiting for me to say something. But I couldn't think of any words that would describe how happy and relieved I was. So I leapt the few inches that separated us. He instinctively reached out and caught me. My arms tightened around his neck and my legs tightened around his waist. He squeezed his arms around me and laughed lightly into my hat. I urgently kissed his cheek, his nose, his eyelids, his chin, his neck, his shoulder. He continued laughing softly against me. It was a beautiful laugh. A natural laugh. One I hadn't heard in a while.

ALONG CAME A SPIDER: A Peterick FanficWhere stories live. Discover now