This Has Been Said So Many Times That Im Not Sure If It Matters

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(Patrick's POV)

It was clear that Pete wasn't paying attention to me. Yes, I was talking and he was nodding in understanding, but his mind was somewhere else. I don't know what his last doctor told him, but Pete's charts did not look good at all. He'd have to be put back on Chemotherapy pronto. My chest tightened thinking about having to see Pete like that everyday. Weak and defenseless. I glanced up at his hair as I spoke. That would be gone soon. This was serious. He really should be paying attention.

"Pete are you paying attention?" I paused to wait for his reply and he nodded the way he had been doing for the last ten minutes. Yeah right. "Pete, I think I should let you know you're pregnant with a half human have mermaid baby."

He nodded again. And this time he yawned. So he was ignoring me completely. Just as he had done all those years ago in college. I felt an anger boiling up inside of me. He was not going to ignore me again. What I was saying was important and he should be listening, darn it! What was the point of coming in here if he wasn't going to listen? He was wasting his and my time.

I wasn't that little college kid anymore. I wasn't going to jump through hoops to try and gain his attention. I was a doctor darn it! And I deserved to be heard. I didn't have to sit here and be ignored. I stood up from the stool and headed towards the door. Pete's head snapped up immediately.

"Where are you going?" He stood up and rushed behind me.

I didn't stop or turn around to address him. I ignored him. The way he'd ignored me in the room. The way he ignored me in college. My heart rate picked up as I thought about it. I could feel my face heating up. The memory no longer made me sad. I was angry now. It didn't hurt that Pete ignored me and blocked all contact, it pissed me off. Who did he think he was?

"Hey Doc, wait up!" I heard him calling out.

I rushed past Brendon's  desk and he looked up questioningly. But I didn't stop l couldn't stop. I hadn't felt this much anger before. I needed to get into my office and calm down before I saw any other patient today. I burst into my office and As I turned to slam the door, I came face to face with Pete.

"Dude, what happened back there?" He seemed to be struggling to breath evenly and I felt bad for having him chase me.

"You weren't even listening." I frowned.

"I was!" He lied.

"You weren't!"


"I can't see you anymore. I can recommend you to a well practiced-"

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening!" He interrupted me. "I-Its just this damn twitch and-"

"Colleague of mine." I continued louder as if I hadn't heard him. "I'll write up the-"

"I'll listen to you. Its just that you're not telling me anything new!"

"No. You just don't listen. You never have and you never will! I can't work with you!"

It was true. I was too emotionally involved already. I'd never been this angry before. Pete brought out too many emotions in me for this to be a professional relationship. It wouldn't be right.

"What?" The confusion on his face was too genuine for it not to be real.

"The memories are too much, Pete." My voice was lower this time.

"Starbucks?" He muttered, confused.

"Starbucks?" I repeated. "Pete what are you talking about? Never mind. I just can't-"

"Please, Dr. Stump! You're my last chance of a decent doctor at an affordable price in this state!" His voice broke on the last word. "I can't leave the state. My mother-" Again, his voice broke. "And you were saying stuff that's already been said-"

It was as if he couldn't finish a complete thought. He jumped from one thing to another  and as he talked, a single tear slid down his cheek. My heart twisted.

"Mr. Wentz-"

"I know I'm dying, doc. I just want to know how long I can put it off-"

"Pete-" I couldn't take hearing this though I knew it was true.

I stepped closer to him and pulled him into a hug. It might of been unprofessional of me but he needed it. And it was Pete I was talking about here. The guy had taken my virginity. Our relation would never be professional. He leaned into my hug as if he had no choice but to. As my arms tightened around him, his body jerked, hard.

"Pete." I soothingly rubbed his back or at lease tried to. "Pete, Its going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

"I know I'm not." He looked up at me with watery eyes. "I just need you to make it easier to-"

I slammed my lips against his. It wasn't a gentle, soothing kiss. And it wasn't a pity kiss. It wasn't even an 'I missed the way your lips taste' kiss. It was an angry kiss. A 'how dare you make we want to kiss you after all the crap you did to me' kind of kiss. And it felt good.

Pete hesitated for only a second before he was throwing his arms around my neck. His tongue slid against mine and I felt a shudder go through my body. God, how had I ever forgotten this taste? Pete's taste. I was a second away from literally attempting to take his tongue and keep it for memory, when I heard Brendon's voice.

"Dr. Stump, I heard yelling. Are you okay in-" And then louder. "What the fuck?"


I know I'm posting chapters back to back but its not like anyone is reading them anyways. Plus I have a lot to type so I wanna get on with it. I LOVE writing. Yay. Anywhooo that's all. tata!

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