The Only Thing Worse Than Not Knowing

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(Patrick's POV)

I held my sister in law's baby in my arms, trying to control the shaking. She was so small. She was so fragile. Just one wrong move and I could kill her or something. It was almost too scary to think about.

"Loosen up, Patrick." Elisa rubbed my arm.

"Stop it, Elisa!" I said a little too loudly. She frowned. "You'll make me flinch and hurt her."

Her face softened. "You won't hurt her, honey."

"Here." I shifted my body towards her. "Take the baby." She easily took the small girl from my arms.

"Patrick will you go down to the cafeteria and pick me up some sort of fruit or something?"

"Anything for you." I kissed her cheek on the way out the door.

She nodded and went back to cooing at the baby. I just hoped this wasn't giving her any ideas. We'd discussed this many times before we for married and many times after. We just weren't ready for kids. And we wouldn't be ready any time soon. Baby sitting her sister's baby would help ease any rushed desire for her to have one. Hopefully.

I walked past the hospital waiting room and saw there were playing Titanic on the small television screen. The scene where Jack was drawing Rose naked was on. Great. As if I weren't blue balling it enough as it was! 

I thought back to earlier this afternoon. When I'd kissed Pete with every bit of emotion I had in me. And then I'd just driven off like an arrogant prick. And then how I'd felt bad and had driven back to 'discuss' things with him. So I'd pulled up in the empty spot of the drive way. But before I could knock on the door, I heard voices on the other side. Two separate voices. One was obviously Pete. The other was sickeningly Ryan. There'd been moaning and Pete begging Ryan not to stop. It was like so many nightmares I'd had while we were dating. So I'd quickly gotten back in my car and rushed to to hospital.

I knew I couldn't be mad at Pete. I was the one who'd specifically told him we weren't together. I was the one who was married! I found myself slamming my hand against the wall, startling a few people around me. I was an idiot! I was married. Happily married. I love Elisa. I don't love Pete. Not anymore. I don't even know what  came over me earlier.  It was just all the emotion he'd made me feel in college resurfaced for a bit. And then he apologized and meant it. It was all too much. So I gave in. Who wouldn't?!

"Can I help you?"

I looked up to see a young nurse standing in front of me. She was short, even compared to me. Her long blonde hair was swooped up into a flirty ponytail. and her nurse's uniform was a little too right for comfort. Her breast were practically jumping out of the shirt. I looked up from her chest and she licked her bright red lips. I'd always wondered how girls could do that and not smudge their lipstick.

"No." I said finally.

"Are you sure?" She pouted.

"Yes. I'm headed to the cafeteria to get my wife something to eat."

"What does that have to do with me helping you?" She said suggestively.

"You're better than this." I muttered brushing past her. Her face was confused and then sad. She whispered something to herself before walking in the opposite direction of me. Good. Maybe that'd stop her from letting people use her.

I entered the cafeteria and found it to be almost empty. Good. I lifted an apple and a pear out of the fruit bowl. She hadn't specified what kind of fruit she'd wanted. On my walking back up to the room, I bumped into the nurse with the tight uniform again.

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