Chapter 8

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Jessica P.O.V

" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Calm down Jessica there probably is a explaination for this.........

I look to around trying to piecie the events from last night.Okay so first I remembered entering the club with the 5 lads and Sam. Then I danced A bit Zayn. We played beer pong,and I got really drunk. Then we danced somemore.I went to go and puke at the ally and ended up running into my ex which tried to forcefully kiss me then i ran into the bar and Zayn was there and then black out. The end.

What if its like in the movies when the girl gets really drunk and she sleeps with the guy and she finds out only the next day

Shut up mind!Your just over thinking,like I said there probably is a logical explanation for all of this

What I was just saying I mean you never know rite?

Stop jinxing the whole thing

"Ugh what do you want?" I heard someone say behind me,snapping me out of my thoughts.I turned to stare at Zayn.His hazel brown eyes with swirls of dark brown.

"Ugh just wanted to ask what the hell happend last night?"I asked nervously.His lips slowly grew into a smirk. 

"Well babe last night was the best night of my life,"he smirked.My mouth formed a 'O'. After a few seconds of starring at my expression Zayn burst out laughing. 

"WHAT THE HELL ZAYN?! THIS IS NOT THINGS THAT YOU CAN KID ABOUT!!!!"I said as i whacked his head multiple times.He tried to use his hands to sheild his head. 

"So what the hell happend anyway?"I finally asked. 

"You know after you stumbled back into the club after puking you blacked out and we had to bring you back. And we kept having to bring you to the toliet cause you kept puking all over and your clothes wer all messed up.So when you finally cleared out all the alchol in your system. I later then changed you out of your messed up dress.I tried to give you my shirt and some jogging pants but you just kept pushing it away.In the end i stopped pestering you.You ended up sleeping on my bed,"he said. 

Zayn gave me an over sized shirt and some pants to wear for the time being. Together we went to have breakfast.The other boys were already down.Niall,like the gentleman he was,was stuffing his face with what seemed like a pretzel.

"Sleep well dear?"Liam asked me. I nodded. That was not exactly true,my head was throbbing and my body was aching with pain, but honestly I didnt want them worrying,especially after all the trouble I had caused them yesterday. Oh and all the mess. Ugh I felt so  bad,I mean I really didn't mean all of it. Plus this is the first time I had a hangover. Probably because I never really took so much alchol in a day.

I headed to the buffet table with Zayn. I wasn't that hungry due to the hangover. So in the end I just decided to go with some toast and guva juice. When I went to the table I found Zayn munching on some toast.

"Zayn you have a crumb on your mouh,"I told him

"Really where?"he asked I pointed to the spot but he didn't get it. I strecehd out my hand to the corner of his mouth. We just sat there for a moment,looking deep into each other's eyes. His hazel eyes pulling me in more and more. In the end I just flicked the crumb away and said ,"There its gone now," breaking the trance.

"Well that was something wasn't it?" Harry said wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed a tomato red and Zayn smirked.

After we all finished breakfast,we headed back to the hotel rooms to get ready to go to the recording studio. The boys were working on a new song for thier next album. I called Sam to bring me some clothes to wear since I couldn't wear the dress I had last night since it was kinda messed up right now.

The doorbelle of the hotel room rang. I slowly walked towards it and opend the door.

"Mornin Girlfriend,"Sam chirrped. She gave me a once over and shook her head disapprovingly. From te look she gave me, I knew she thought that I looked like a hot mess. Well I couldn't agree with her more. But hey what was she here for anyway?

Sam immideatley got to work. With my face. And I must say I was quite impressed,she finally knew how to use make up.

"Awww Sam I feel like a proud mother today! My baby has finally grown up!" I said wiping a fake tear off my cheek. Sam lightly whacked my arm and giggled. After my make over was completed I stood infront of the full length mirrior. I was really pleased. Sam had done a great job with cover my eye bags.  <-------------------------- (How Jessica Looks)

We then headed to the hotel lobby to wait for our ride. When we were in the cars,Zayn texted me;

Hey Jessica, tdys Harry's B'day. Were plaining a surprise for him I can't tell you anything rite now but just noe that,we aren't really recording a new track tdy. When we get off the car stay close to me at all times okay?

I looked up to find him smiling at me. I smlied back and slightly nodded. I really wanted to know what the boys had in store for Harry. 

We reached a while later at a buliding which read out in big bold letter 'SONY MUSIC'. I made sure to stay real close to Zayn the whole time. We slowly strolled into the building. When we weere half way through,I noticed,that Louis was missing. I frantically looked around,expecting him to pop out from some where. Zayn must had realised, and gave me a Its-all-part-of-the-plan look. Amazingly Harry didn't notice a thing. 

Suddenly it was just me and Harry. And I started to freak out.

"Harry where is everyone??!?!?!?!?!!?" i asked in a shiverled voice. Harry whipped his head around. He looked as scared and terrfied as I was. What the hell was going on?????????   

We made our way out of the building. Just then a big black van drove by. Its door opend and 4 pairs of hands stuck out and grabbed us in. I started to scream but a towel was then placed on my mouth and drownned out my screams.

My eyes lids slowly became heavy and closed


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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