Chapter 7

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Jessica's P.O.V

We were in the car with Sam and the lads. We were all getting pumped up and in the mood to party with Louis and harry cracking jokes..

Once we reached the club Zayn got out and open the door.

"Your highness," he said with his hand out.

"Thank you Prince....Malik," I giggled.

He gave out his hand and I took it. I could hear Harry snickering from the back. I turned around to give him a death glare.

"Touche," he said in reply.

We entered the club together. Few girls gave us annoyed looks. Well they were probably just jealous that we were with one direction.We easily passed through the security without having to queue. Behind me I could here a few girls snickering.

Bye Bitches!

The club was full of people,mostly taking up the dance floor.

"My I have this dance My lady?" Zayn smirked down at me.

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Zayn carefully placed his hand on my hips. I was I bit shocked and first and got a bit nervous but he gently swayed my hips from side to side and soon enough I was enjoying it. I was swaying to the music,I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I stiffened slightly.

"Do I make you nervous?" he said with his hot breath on my neck,I stood there star struck for a moment.

Man that boy  feels so good

Get a grip of yourself girl,there are so many girls after him this is just a trick he uses to get girls

But what if its not?

Ugh stop thinking so much and just enjoy the night

whateva you say girl

The other voice in my head said

"Hey Jessica you wanna head to the bar?" Zayn interrupted my  thoughts.

"Um yeah sure,"we slowly made our way to the bar through the crowd,Zayn holding onto my hand the whole time.

"Hey guys, anyone up for a game of beer pong?"harry asked mischievously. We all nodded eagerly.

By the end of the game,I was pretty sure I was drunk and so was Zayn. But still maybe a little sober enough to understand what was going on.

"Hey babe up for another dance?" Zayn slurred. Before I could even reply  Zayn grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dance floor.

Our bodies were pressed against each other and we were moving in sync.

"Um, Zayn I think I'm going to throw up I need to use the toliet," I squeked. I was not feeling well, my stomach was churning like a roller coaster. Thankfully Zayn supported me all the way to the toilet. When I entered I found all three stalls when was coverd with puke and the other to were occupied. As I couldn't wait, I decided to go to the abbey by the back door.

I stayed there for a long while puking my guts out,man did I feel terrible. When I finally was done I slowly made my way to the door,stumbling a bit. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around. It was dark and I could hardly make out its features.

"Who are you?" I said shivering.

"Don't you remembering me?" he asked. He step forward and I could make out his features,the features I knew by heart.

"Daniel what do you want?"I asked. Honestly I was just to tierd and weak for any nonsense right now.

"I want you," he said hungrily grabbing me roughly. Soon enough he was trying to place his lips on mine.

I began to scream for help,"SOMEBODY HELP ME ! SOMEBODY!!!!!!!" I tried to push him off me but I was to weak,in the end I managed to kick him over there. I quickly managed to get inside before passing out once again.....................................

I could feel someone's warm body pressed against me. I turned to it and slowly fluttered my eyes open.





Hope ya liked it sorry for the late update..........again.

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