Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

Jessica's P.O.V

"The winner  of the One Direction T-shirt design gets two front row seats to the One Direction concert in the most  happening place L.A on the 1/6/2012, they also get V.I.P backstage passes and an exclusive one direction fun pack. And the winner is................" the DJ announced on the radio.

 My best friend and I  were clinging on  to each other with a mixture of fear and excitement. I had entered  the competition and was half hoping that I would win , but still someone else could win considering the number of participants.

" Jessica from Santa Monica . Congrats Jessica. We will be calling you shortly" the DJ announced happily.

" Ah you did it!!!!!!' Sam was screaming .

Both of us were jumping up and down. I cant believe I actually won. But without the help of my friend I couldn't have won. How can I ever live without without her?! Then suddenly her face fell.

"Whats wrong???" I said confused.

"Your bringing him aren't you?" she said.

Reality  hit me.

I nodded , my  head down

When my my friend said 'him' she meant my boyfriend of 6 months. Most people didn't understand why I would date him because there were other guys far better out there who would I ask me to go steady with them but I wouldn't accept. Its just when I first saw him I  fell in love with him, even though I was 99% sure he wouldn't like me back. It was the 1% that kept me going. At least I won his heart in the end. But the truth be told ,he is a player , he told my friends that he liked them but he cheated on all his ex-girlfriends as he only likes girls for their looks and body. I forgave him for every bad thing he ever did to me, but he still just keeps on breaking my heart. Every time I  tell myself I'm going to break up with him and find someone better I just can't bring myself to  do  it no matter how hard I try.

Sam's P.O.V

If your thinking I am angry with her for bringing her boyfriend along its so not true. I'm just kind of annoyed. I mean that guy is a complete jerk and he doesn't deserve her. I just want her to be happy and not get her heart hurt. I've given up trying to convince her that he is not a good guy. But whatever she does I will be by her side cause that's what best friends are for.

The phone rang and I snapped out of my daze.

"Hello?"  asked the voice at the other end of the line.

Jessica called me to come and help her settle the Concert tickets.


Hope you liked the chapter. will update soon

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