The Wiccan University

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The next day comes and it's time for Orianna's graduation. It takes place in a large auditorium and most of the other graduates have already walked the stage. A small witch was standing center stage. "And now at this time, we would like to congratulate this year's top graduate of the Eastern Academy of the Wiccan Arts Class #2183. Please join me in welcoming from room 2B, Orianna Priscilla Abraxas!" The woman says as the crowd applauds and cheers. Orianna walks up to the stage proudly to the witch and bows her head. When she does, the woman puts a medal around Orianna's neck. Orianna then turns to the crowd and gets a standing ovation. In the crowd, Orianna can spot both her parents and Prisco's, along with Prisco himself cheering her on. "And now..." the woman says. She and Orianna turn to each other again. Orianna nods and presents her wand to her. The woman chants an incantation briefly and the wand glows. In a manner of moments, it transforms into a magical staff colored yellow and dark blue with a metallic finish. At its tip is a dark blue glowing gemstone seemingly suspended in the air just above the base of the staff. Orianna takes the staff in her hands. "This staff is named The Minerva. It is a prestigious gift given to the top student of this academy. It's the most revered and respected artifact that this academy has to offer. It not only give its user's already exceptional magic talents even more power, but it also signifies that they have went above and beyond in the studies of Witchcraft. It is my honor and my privilege to introduce the Minerva to this year's top graduate, Orianna." The woman says. Orianna put the staff to her side and the two bow again as the audience gives another standing ovation. After the ceremony, Orianna along with her and Prisco's family are all walking back home. "I can't believe I actually won the Minerva! This is so cool!" Orianna says looking at her new wand. "Yea, I gotta say it's pretty fancy looking. You feel any stronger?" Prisco asks. "Oh yea! There's some crazy magical power flowing through this bad boy. I can't wait to see what kinda spells I can pull off now!" Orianna says excitedly. "Well we're very proud of you, sweetie. With an accolade like that, you're certainly a shoe-in for the Wiccan University now." Ayu says. "Yea, and after you've mastered you silly spells I can finally teach you some real fighting!" Torbis says. Ayu smacks him lightly. "Oh hush! Witchcraft is just as viable in combat as your martial arts." Ayu says. "Hmm, I find that kind of hard to believe." Prisco Senior says. "I don't know dad. I've seen some of the spells that are in those books she always reads. There's all kinds of crazy stuff written in those things." Prisco says. "I agree, Mr. Prisco. Did you know there's a spell to that'll give you explosive diarrhea for 5 years?" Orianna says with a smirk. Prisco Senior cringes. "Hmm, I imagine it would be hard to fight like that." Prisco Senior says.

The group make it back to their homes. "Yea all that's left now is Prisco. And once you're done with your silly little law school, I can start your real training!" Prisco Senior says. "Dad, I already told you I don't wanna be a fighter. I want to be a councilman, like Mom." Prisco says. "Oh, that's so sweet. And you'll do great, honey." Lalatina says. "Ah what a waste! A young boy your size and strength? You should be fighting for the Demon Realm, not sitting behind a desk." Prisco Senior says. "Uh, sorry dad. I just can't see myself joining the army or something." Prisco says. "Ah well, I'll get through to you one day, son." Prisco Senior says. "Well, we'll leave you guys to your day. Congratulations again, Orianna!" Lalatina says. "Thank you very much. I still can hardly believe it." Orianna says, still looking at her staff in awe. They say their goodbyes and then go their separate ways. The following day is Prisco's graduation which is comparatively less eventful, but everyone still attends. While Prisco doesn't graduate at the top of his class or win any awards, he still walks with his class with his head held high as his friends and family cheer him on. After the two graduate, they enjoy their short break from classes as they prepare to move on with their studies. Two months later and the time has come for Orianna to move to the Wiccan University in the Noble Capital. She already said goodbye to her parents and is talking to Prisco before she leaves. "You about ready?" Prisco asks. "Yup yup! I got all my clothes packed, I got my certificate..." Orianna says then she snaps her fingers summoning her staff. "Aaaand, my Minerva." Orianna says smugly, waving her staff around. "Well that's good. I know you'll do great things there regardless. I've seen what you can do." Prisco says. "Aww, you're so corny dude." Orianna says, lightly punching Prisco in the arm. "Would you prefer I wish you a miserable failure then?" Prisco says. "I don't know, it would certainly be different." Orianna says. "Just, go to the damn university and shut up." Prisco says with a chuckle. "Geez, I'm moving to the Noble Capital and THAT'S the last thing you wanna say to me?" Orianna says. "Well I tried to be nice, but that wasn't good enough for you." Prisco says. "Oh fine. I guess I'll do it then. I have a surprise for you." Orianna says with a smile. "Orianna, if you flick me again, I swear you're not gonna make it to the Noble Capital." Prisco says already annoyed. "Oh stop being a stick in the mud and hold out you hand." Orianna says waving her staff. Prisco sighs before extending both his hands. Orianna's wand glows and she holds it above Prisco's hands. After a moment, a scrapbook appears in Prisco's hands. "Huh? What is this?" Prisco asks. "Well take a look and find out." Orianna says.

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