You Shouldn't Walk Home Alone

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In the Demon Realm of universe 6, a young demon boy with grey skin named Prisco Jr. lived alone with his two parents. A demon woman named Lalatina and an Oni man who shared the same name. Prisco was in his room by himself studying Demon Realm law, aspiring to be an official on the Demon Realms council. Outside he can hear the laughter and playful screams of the other children all playing just a few yards away from his home. Prisco never had much interest in the other children though, and mainly only focused on his school work. Eventually, his mother enters his room, getting his attention. "Junior, what are you doing in here all by yourself?" Lalatina asks. "Hi Mom, I'm just studying." Prisco says. "Still? You're young, son. Don't you wanna go outside and play with the other kids?" Lalatina says. "I don't know... I don't really like any of them. I'd rather just stay here." Prisco says. Lalatina sighs. "Listen son. You're very smart. Your father and I are happy that you're taking your studies so seriously at your age, but you also need to learn how to interact with other kids. You won't be the only person on the Demon Realm council, you know." Lalatina says. "Well yea but-" Prisco starts to say. "Ah, I won't hear it. Put that book down for an hour and go outside to play. Besides, your father came back from his training trip. I'm sure he wouldn't want you held up in here all day." Lalatina says. Prisco excitedly looks up from his book. "Dad's back?!?" Prisco asks. "Yea, he came back a few minutes ago. Come down, let's go see him." Lalatina says. Prisco excitedly runs out his room past his mom and down the stairs to greet his father. He runs out the front door but stops when he sees his father talking to someone else. He recognizes the man his father is talking to as his training partner, another demon named Torbis, but he noticed something else. Torbis holds in his arms a little girl with periwinkle colored hair in a short ponytail. He stops when he and the girl make eye contact. The girl then quickly and shyly hides herself, tucking her head into Torbis' to hide her face. Torbis notices her sudden shifting and looks at the door and sees Prisco. "Oh, it's little Prisco!" Torbis says. Prisco also shyly hides behind the front door as his father turns to see him. "Ah, heya son! Come over here, say hi to Torbis and his daughter." Prisco Senior says. Prisco peeks out from the door again, but Torbis' daughter hides her face still. Prisco shyly walks to his father and Torbis as Torbis slightly shakes his daughter. "Orianna. Quit being shy and say hello to the Prisco's." Torbis says. His daughter, named Orianna, peeks out from her father, her face red. She looks at Prisco again, and hides again this time with a whimper. Prisco raises an eyebrow a little confused. "Don't mind her, little Prisco, she's shy." Torbis says, putting Orianna down.

Now that she's standing on her own, Prisco gets a good look at her. Besides her sheepish demeanor, Orianna wears a simple white dress with frills at the hymn. The dress comes down to her shins and she's wearing flats as well. Her face is still red and she nervously has her hands in front of her. Prisco Senior nudges Prisco. "Well say hi." Prisco Senior says. "Oh. Uh, hi. M-my names, Prisco, Prisco jr." Prisco says. Orianna looks up at her father. He gestures at her to say something. Orianna finally speaks. "I-I-it's nice to... m-meet you. My names, Orianna..." Orianna says quietly. "Ah, ya see?!? Their best friends already!" Torbis says happily. Meanwhile the two kids can barely even maintain eye contact with each other. "Yea, I guess they are. Say son, now that you know Orianna, you're gonna be walking to school with her." Prisco Senior says. Prisco looks surprisingly at his father. "What? Me??? But why?" Prisco says. "Well Orianna here is a witch. See the witch academy isn't far from where your school is, and her mother's too busy to walk with her every morning. So I assured her that my big, strong son would keep her safe during her transit to and from the academy. Doesn't that sound fun?" Prisco Senior says. "Dad, I don't think I-" Prisco says, but his father pays him on the back, cutting off his words. "See?!? Ah, you two will get along great." Prisco Senior says. Orianna pulls on her father's shirt. "Daddy I don't know who that is. I don't think I wanna walk to the academy with him. Can't Mommy keep taking me? Please?" Orianna asks. "Oh don't be silly, Orianna. We already told you your mommy is too busy nowadays. And I already told her I had it taken care of. You don't want to make your mother worry, do you sweetie?" Torbis says. Orianna looks down at the ground looking a bit guilty now. "Well, no..." Orianna says quietly. "Great. Lil Prisco doesn't look so scary, does he?" Torbis asks her. Orianna looks back at Prisco, then back at her father. She nervously nods her head yes. "Oh don't be ridiculous, dear. He's a fine young man. In fact, why don't you two shake hands to make this little arrangement official?" Torbis says. Orianna fearfully shakes her head no. Prisco also starts to back away. "That's a great idea! Son, go shake her hand." Prisco Senior says. "But Dad!" Both the kids say. "Oh quit being coy, you two. You're not gonna set each other on fire if you touch each other. Just shake hands." Torbis says. Reluctantly, the two slowly walk to each other. Orianna being a bit shorter has to slightly look up to Prisco, who's pretty tall for his age.  The two shyly look away before awkwardly shaking hands, Orianna's face bright red. "See? That wasn't so hard, now was it?" Prisco Senior says.

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