Prisco Becomes the God of Destruction

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After retrieving Orianna from the Dimensional Rift she'd been training in, life for her and Prisco resumed as normal with Prisco finishing up his studies in law. Through working his way up the ranks, he'd even managed to land himself an internship on the Demon Realm's council and was close to his dream of becoming an official councilman. Orianna however would continue her studies in witchcraft by herself, choosing not to go back to a University and instead make her own spells. Her studies and curiosity would often lead her down interesting rabbit holes that, thanks to her no long having a need for sleep, she'd find herself get invested in for days at a time. The two continue to stay close as they grow up, despite their differences in interest, and Orianna is eventually successful in the creation of her own magical grimoire. One day, their fates would become tied to one another forever. There's a knock on the door of Prisco's parents and Prisco's mother, Lalatina, opens it. "Hello? Oh!" Lalatina exclaims as she sees who's standing on the other side of her door. It's an anthropomorphic, overweight, hairless purple cat clad in the garments of a God of Destruction. Behind him stands a tall woman with pale blue skin and a long ponytail with a staff and wearing the garments of an Angel. The cat picks his teeth with one of his claws, looking off in the other direction. "And how can I help you two on this fine day?" Lalatina says smiling brightly. The cat then looks back at her, seemingly annoyed. "You aren't Prisco. Where is he? I wanna speak with him at once." The cat demands. "Prisco? Well do you my husband, or my son?" Lalatina asks. They cat quickly gets fed up and groans. "This is ridiculous! Out of my way, I'll find himself!" The cat says as he walks past Lalatina, inviting himself in. "You'll have to forgive Lord Champa for his attitude. He's just a little irritable because he's coming up on his retirement." The Angel says. "Retirement? Oh how lovely! I wish I had known, I would've made him a nice fruit basket or something." Lalatina says happily. "Vados! Stop dilly dallying and let's go!" The cat, named Champa, shouts from the house. "As you wish my Lord." The Angel, named Vados, says. "Oh please, come on in!" Lalatina says inviting her in. Vados enters the house and closes the door behind her. "Prisco! I know you're around here somewhere." Champa yells throughout the house. Finally from upstairs, Prisco Senior walks down. "Ah, Lord Champa! Long time no see, what's going on?" Prisco Senior says with a friendly wave. "Good to see after all this time you still don't know how to address a God." Champa says annoyed. "Oh right. It's been ages, so I just forget. Haha!" Prisco Senior says. "Whatever, just come with me." Champa demands. "With you? Why? Where are we going?" Prisco Senior says. "Because I'm selecting you as candidate to be the next God of Destruction." Champa says. Prisco Senior seems surprised.

"You're retiring? How come?" Prisco Senior asks. "Because I'm old and tired and I want to take a nap for the next thousand years! Now let's go!" Champa demands. "Uh, no can do Lord Champa. Sorry." Prisco Senior says. Champa looks back at him, shocked and angry. "What the hell do you mean no can do?!?" Champa says angrily. Prisco chuckles nervously and scratches his head. "Hehehe, that whole lifestyle just isn't for me, ya know? All that waiting and watching and sitting around, it doesn't sound like it's me." Prisco Senior says. Champa angrily walks up to him and pokes his chest. "I don't care if you want to or not! You're the only candidate I can think of, so I'm not taking no for an answer!" Champa says. Prisco recoils nervously. "Aw c'mon, Lord Champa! Don't be like that!" Prisco says with a nervous smile. The two woman look on and smile as the two go back and forth. Finally Champa puts his hands on his hips and turns around with a huff, annoyed. "Don't be upset, Lord Champa. What if I... what if I found you another candidate?" Prisco Senior suggests. Champa's ears twitch a bit and he turns around. "Another candidate like who?" Champa asks. Prisco Senior puts a hand to his chin, thinking. Meanwhile his son, Prisco Junior, was sitting in front of a computer in his own house intently focused on his work. He here's a knock on his door from his home office. He gets up from his chair and walks to his front door. Once he opens it, he sees Orianna waiting patiently on the other side. She wears a plain white dress that comes down to her knees and black ballet shoes with her periwinkle hair in two twin tails. "Oh, Orianna. Where have you been?" Prisco asks. "I was at home." Orianna says in a monotone. "Really? I was there a few days ago but you didn't answer the door." Prisco says. "Were you? Hmm. Perhaps I was distracted by my studies." Orianna says. "Studies for what? You're not going to school anymore." Prisco says confused. "I know. I still do enjoy learning of other cultures and races." Orianna says. "Uh, cool, so is there something you need? I'm kinda in the middle of something right now." Prisco says. "I had heard that you stopped by for a visit a few days ago. So I came to see what you had wanted." Orianna says. Prisco stares back blankly. "Orianna, that was three days ago..." Prisco says. He squints looking behind her. Orianna notices and turns around as well to see his father, Champa and Vados all walking toward them. "Oh, it's your father." Orianna says. "Who's that with him?" Prisco asks. "It appears to be the God of Destruction." Orianna says. Prisco turns to her shocked. "What??? Here? Why?" Prisco says. Orianna simply shrugs as the three finally approach them. "Prisco my boy! How are ya?" Prisco Senior asks. "I'm okay father. Uh, why did you bring the God of Destruction with you?" Prisco asks. Champa snarls at him, clearly annoyed. Prisco nervously looks away. "Lord Champa's here to offer you a job!" Prisco Senior says excitedly.

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