Life After Death

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After the doctor has his break through, he calls back in Orianna's parents and asks them to come in to see her. "A... zombie?" Ayu asks to confirm what the doctor just told her. "That's correct. The mere fact that she's still aware given her current condition is strange enough, but she was also wide awake when she was carted into the ER, and during her surgery to close her wound. And her behavior since then all adds up." The doctor says. "A zombie, huh? So what exactly does that mean? Is there anything you can do for her?" Torbis asks. "I'm afraid not. We don't have any means of resuscitating the undead here, and there's also a chance that her injuries are severe enough that if we try, it could lead to her dying for real." The doctor explains. Her parents are both beside themselves. "Well... can we see her?" Ayu asks. "Of course. Right this way." The doctor says leading the two to the bedrooms. When they open the door to Orianna's room, she's sitting up in bed, staring at the wall blankly. She doesn't even seem to notice that they entered the room. "Hi sweetie... how are you feeling?" Ayu asks. Orianna blinks a few times. "I... don't know..." Orianna says quietly. "Do you feel ready to come home?" Torbis asks. Orianna looks down at herself, at her hands and then at her scar. "I don't feel... anything. I'm cold, but I don't shiver. I should be in pain, but I don't scream or cry. I can't, recall how I even got here anymore." Orianna says. Her mom starts to tear up again. "Mr. and Mrs. Abraxas. Sorry to say but, there's nothing more we can do for her here. We will hold her as long as you want, but you may take her home whenever you wish." The doctor says. The two look at their daughter, hardly able to believe it's her. The youthful cheer she usually has is gone, replaced by a vacant, soulless look. Ayu can't even look at her daughter without crying. "We'll... take her home. Today." Torbis says consoling his wife. The doctor nods and leaves the room to get ready to discharge Orianna. "Mother, father..." Orianna says. Both her parents look at her curiously. "How did I get here?" Orianna asks. The two then look at each other. "She, she doesn't remember?" Torbis asks. They look back at her, Orianna expecting an answer. "Come to think of it, do you know how it happened?" Torbis asks Ayu. "I, I'm not entirely sure. I know she wanted to use my cauldron for a school project, but that's all she told me." Ayu says. "School... project...?" Orianna says to herself trying to remember. A few hours pass and the two take Orianna back home. Prisco paces nervously outside his house waiting for her. The three come back and to his surprise, Orianna is walking on her own albeit slower. He quickly goes over to check on her. "Orianna! You're back! How are you feeling?" Prisco asks. Orianna looks up at him and tilts her head. "You're quite tall..." Orianna says.

Prisco looks back confused. "What...?" Prisco says. "Uh, she's having some memory problems right now. Don't take it personally, Prisco. Everything should start coming back to her soon." Ayu says. "Oh. Okay, so what happens now?" Prisco asks. "We... we don't know. We're going to be keeping her home, trying to jog her memory." Ayu says. "But, her graduation. It's tomorrow. What about her-" Prisco says. "None of that matters anymore, young man. Her health is more important right now." Torbis says. "Graduation...?" Orianna says trying to think. "Wait a minute." Prisco says before he goes back into his house for a moment. The three wait a few moments and Prisco walks back outside holding the scrapbook Orianna gave him. He hands it to her. "Is that for me?" Orianna asks. "Yea, it's a scrapbook of us. You made it for me before you went to the Noble Capital." Prisco says. Orianna slowly takes the scrapbook in her hands. "I made this?" Orianna asks. "Yea. It might help, with your memory." Prisco says. Orianna looks down at the book which is still in relatively good condition. "Hmm." Orianna says. "We'll look after her, Prisco. You can come check on her whenever you want." Ayu says as the three all walk away. Their house, which was destroyed in the explosion, is still being rebuilt and they're staying in a different town for the time being. In Orianna's small temporary room, she opens the scrapbook Prisco gave her. She looks through the pages one after another, her expression blank. "Something isn't right. I feel like, this is important to me... so why can't I, remember it?" Orianna says. She then looks in a large box filled with some of her stuff that survived the blast. Her robe was torn to rags and she instead wore a light blue dress. She pulls out her staff which was still in perfect condition. "Witchcraft." Orianna says. "None of this is right. Something went wrong. Very wrong. I have to remember what happened." Orianna says to herself. Several weeks have passed and Orianna's house has since been rebuilt. Prisco hasn't seen her in a few days and has went back to school, but was visiting home since it wasn't too far away. Orianna, looking out of the window of her home, sees him and goes outside with her scrapbook. "Excuse me." Orianna calls out. Prisco turns to greet her. "Oh hi. How are you feeling?" Prisco asks. "Explain this to me, please." Orianna asks, opening the scrapbook to a page of the two happily walking home from school as teenagers. "Oh, well that's us. Walking home from school." Prisco says. "Yes, but why are we so happy?" Orianna asks. "Why? Uh, well, because we enjoy each other's company. We were best friends. And I like to think we still are." Prisco says. Orianna looks at the picture again and frowns. "Best friends... that's it? Nothing more? Seems like a trivial thing to be THAT happy about." Orianna says. "Huh? What do you mean?" Prisco asks. "Hmmm..." Orianna thinks.

A Brief History of Prisco and OriannaWhere stories live. Discover now