chapter 6- he ruturns

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A/N This takes place a week later coz i was lazy to write the week but the outsider comes to kild again and give him no choivce in taking the mark!! I LOVE A STRONG AND FORCEFUL MAN XDD


Kild woke up in the void again it was still dark and wet.

"Where are you! daud told me about you! YOu are the black eyed bastard!" 

The outsider appeared in front of kild 

He stered at kild without speaking and blinking.

Suddenly he grinned and a burning pain went though Kild's hand, burning off flesh in the process and leaving behind no blood but a scare in a weird shape

"Daud has this skar" Kild spoke calmly, coz this wasent worse then what previouse masters would do.

The outsider grined more, he knew all about kild's life before daud and was excited to see what will happen now, with the mark.

"im interested to see what will happen now that you have the mark"

Kild woke up 

-----------------------time skip to daud's office again coz hes daddy---------------------

"KiLD!" daud was paseing his office and shaking his hands wildly

"YEs sir?" I squeeked, i wasent scared of daud but he still had power over me and i needed to learn about this new 'gift'

"Can you stop time?" he asked looking me up and down as if he could tell what my power is.

"N-No sir, i think i can take peoples face" i stumbled, embarassed because it was a weird power.

"Show me" he said gruffly.

I waited for him to summon a whaler so i can show him my new powers. we waited for a long while. 

Suddenlly thomas appeared in front of me, confused for a second before noticing daud.

He suddenlly looked scared and side eyed me to make sure we werent in trouble.

"Thomas Kild here has gotten powers from the outsider and needs to test them out. please lend yourself"

Suddenly i felt dread inside me, i couldnt do that to thomas! it might hurt him! 

" No!" i screamed

"why not" said daud calm as ever

" Ask someone else, please!" i begged

Thomas looked shocked and confused

"There is noone else available right now kild." he continuted

"Then i can show you later!" i kept insisting not wanting to possibly harm thomas coz i loved him

"Thomas, kild, sit down." daud said pointing to his chairs and desk.

we sat down and thomas took my hand to reassure me coz we were both worried.

"You are hiding something" daud said talking to me

"No S-Sir im not!" i stumbled, knowing i was hiding my relationship 

" Excuse me daud, we are dating, thats all."

I turned to look at thomas. i was shocked that he would say this and with my mouth hanging open i yelled

" YOU said we couldnt say anything!" i started crying and dropped his hand to run out the room.

I dont understand why he told me to hide it and then just said it outloud like that! To daud no less! who he said to hide it from! Now we will never do the same work and i might put him in danger of doing paper work all day! Or he could get more chores

i ran to the roof and as i ran i stole the face of a passing stranger to hid emy tears, his face burned out a hole where it used to be and i felt it sting on my own.

Sitting against a chimney i cried for what felt like hours but what probably only a couple of minutes.

I Heared thomas calling for m but i ignored it Instead sitting harder against the roof so he cant find me.


author-chan: here kild have come cake to make you feel better
kild: thank you author chan, its my favroute

author: yeah XDD YOU said before!

-------------------- some time later ---------------------

Daud appeared next to me. he must have saw me with void sight

"What do you want!" i screamed and then felt bad. he was probably trying to see if im ok.

He sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"When i was first marked i was about your age" He said

"i was upset too, i was taken from my home and forced to bare gifts i didnt want or need." he continued squuezing my shoulder.

"You will get it at some point, you can tain sepretly from the rest if you need practice with your new skills" 

he spoke to me gently, it was almost like a parent. but i didnt know coz my mom never talked to me like this.

"Thank you sir." I said wiping tears from my face and going to stand up.

he stood up too and with his arm taking hold of my arm he blinked back to base.

it was weird blinking attacked to someone, but he made it fun.

I was feeling slightly better now.

I needed to find thomas and say sorry to him for running away.

A/N Daud is a good parent!!!!  

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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