The Two Heroes

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"Y/N, Y/N!"

Flutter repeatedly called your name as you rushed to find a safe spot to hide.

"Flutter, be quiet! I know there's this whole akuma thing going on, but you still can't risk being found out," you told her as you ran in an alleyway.

There was another person who's been akumatized here in Paris. It's only been 3 days since you've been here and every day there was a new villain. Flutter has been wanting you to transform to join the fight, but you refused her every time.

It was too soon. You wanted to lay low and get used to the new environment you were in. You did want to help defeat the villain, but after giving it some deep thought, you thought it would be better not to. And here's why: You're only a teenager, you just moved here, you haven't started school yet and you don't want to suddenly make an appearance as a new hero while also being a new student. Wouldn't that be suspicious? You need to keep your identity hidden as much as possible.

Yes, you're not normal. You're a girl that has a strange being called a 'kwami' as a best friend, who spends most of her time in your bag. She looks like a butterfly-like creature and her name is Flutter.

Mini Flashback

You were 7 years old. You and your grandmother were in a pawn shop to see if there was anything good to buy, for cheap. You wandered around the shop, looking at all the old and rusty items there were. There were things that you had never seen before. You were curious and awed at all you saw.

"Don't touch anything, dear," your grandmother warned you.

"I won't!" You assured her. You hummed as you continued scrutinizing all those strange objects until one particular object caught your eye. It was a pretty gold pendant that had the shape of a butterfly. "Ooo," you stared at it as your eyes lit up. "Granny, granny, granny! Can I have this?!" You picked up the pendant and ran to your grandmother.

"What? What is it?" Your grandmother turned to you and you held up the pendant closer to her. "Oh, well isn't that cute?" She gave you a soft smile. "Of course you can have it. I'll buy it for you right now."

"Yaaaaaayyy!" You cheered.

You went home happily and ran to your room to try it on. You sat by your vanity table and put the pendant around your neck. When it was secured, you looked at the mirror to see how it looked on you, but instead, a creature that appeared out of nowhere stared back at you in the mirror.


"AAAHHHH!!" You screamed as a victim from the villain stood in front of you. They looked really ill. From what you've seen, the villain makes people sick and it's contagious. If they sneeze or cough on you, you get infected. He called himself 'Bacterium', if you remembered correctly.

" me..." the victim walked slowly towards you.

"Y/N!" Flutter yelled out, indicating that you should transform now.

"I- I can't-" you took a few steps back and reached the end of the dead end. The victim slowly approached you with their arms out and you hesitated on what to do.

Time was running out, so you decided to transform after all. "Okay, Flutter. Win- Huh?!" Before you could activate your transformation, you were suddenly picked up and carried and saw that you were above the ground.

Miraculous Ladybug: Two Butterflies [ Chat Noir/Adrien X FemReader ]Where stories live. Discover now