Miss Fortune

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Chat Noir jumped off the roof and landed on the ground, standing in front of the villain after alerting you and Ladybug of her whereabouts. He silently stared at her since he was seeing her for the first time. Of course he noticed how the rain had no affect on the girl. This confirmed that the once cursed girl was now incredibly blessed.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Chat Noir. Do you know what they say about black cats?" She smirked. "They bring bad luck."

"That's not true! And besides, I'm pretty sure that you're the one who's bringing bad luck. Do you know what they say about ladybugs?"

Ladybug swung down and landed beside him, her arm resting on his shoulder. "We bring good luck!"

Miss Fortune looked at her with a condescending sneer, slowly nodding her head and lightly snickering. "Are you sure about that?"

They both narrowed their eyes and glared at the villain. Her overbearing confidence was irking them. It wasn't the first time a bad guy thought they had the upper hand. She was no different. They couldn't wait to beat her and get this over with.

"Look," she held out her hand with the charm bracelet, holding the scythe under her arm. "Take it."

They both furrowed their brows, becoming confused at her sudden command. Was she crazy? Was this a joke? They glanced at each other before reverting their eyes back at Miss Fortune.

"Are you deaf? I said to take it. Come on, what are you waiting for? Here, I'll even take it off." She removed the bracelet off her wrist and placed it on the ground before her. "Is that better?"

"Are you for real?" Chat Noir's mouth gaped open.

Ladybug had her doubts, but they weren't enough to stop her from taking a step forward to grab the bracelet. Her eyes never left the villain's and before she could take another step, lightning struck down before her, nearly electrocuting Paris' number one superhero. Chat Noir cried out her name and she quickly jumped back, only slightly surprised by the lightning.

"Can't say I didn't give you a chance!" Miss Fortune bent down and retrieved her bracelet, putting it back on her wrist. "Why don't we spare ourselves the trouble and make you both hand your miraculouses over to me before anyone gets hurt?"

"No!" Chat Noir refused.

"We won't give you our miraculouses. And we won't lose," Ladybug boldly stated.

"Ha! You can't even harm me. Don't you see? I'm invincible! All my life, I've never once had a good day. They called me a cursed child, a jinx! But not anymore. No one can call me that anymore. Now it's your turn! Everyone will suffer what I had to go through from the minute I was born."

"But you're hurting innocent people!" Ladybug exclaimed.

"Yah? Was I not innocent as well? Why should I go back to my miserable life when I have this?!" She swung the scythe at Ladybug, beginning to attack as Ladybug spun her yo-yo around as a shield. Miss Fortune swung again and in doing so managed to cut the string of the yo-yo.

Horror stricken, Ladybug sank to the ground and picked up the yo-yo as she held the other part of the string in her hand. How could it break? It's her only weapon. Shouldn't it be unbreakable?

"Aww, did I break your favorite toy? Life can be unfair sometimes. You'll get used to it. Now, give me those earrings." She grinned brightly and held her hand out, not a shred of remorse anywhere.

"Ladybug?" Chat Noir looked at her with worry, not knowing how he himself should proceed. The fight had barely begun and the odds were already against them. He looked up at the stormy sky and wondered where Mariposa was. 'What's taking her so long?'

Miraculous Ladybug: Two Butterflies [ Chat Noir/Adrien X FemReader ]Where stories live. Discover now