Black Dahlia

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Fleur Arnaud is a 28-year-old florist. She loves flowers and plants, she loves nature to be precise. She runs a cute little flower shop of which she is very proud of. She was sorting out a new flower arrangement that a customer ordered when four masked men entered her shop.

"H-Hello?" She was very frightened.

"You said that she'd take me back if I gave her that bouquet of flowers. You said she'd come back to me!" One of the masked men yelled at her.

"I-I- What?" She shook in fear.

"Trash the place!" He ordered his men and they began wrecking her shop.

One man threw pots of flowers to the floor. Another used a bat to break things. The third stomped on the plants and destroyed her bags of fertilizer.

"No! Stop!" Fleur cried out.

The leader went behind her desk and pushed her to the wall. He opened her cash register and began stealing her money.

"Why are you doing this?!" She tackled him from behind but he threw her to the ground.

"Because, it's all your fault!" He exclaimed, putting the money in a bag. "Let's go. We're done here," he came from behind the desk and all the men left.

Fleur cried as she slowly got up to see what became of her shop. She wiped the tears away from her cheeks as she looked at the damage that's been done.

"M-my flowers.. My plants," she sniffed.

An akuma flew into the store without her knowledge as she picked up a flower from the floor. The akuma landed on the flower and her connection to Hawk Moth was set.

"Black Dahlia, my name is Hawk Moth. They destroyed your little shop, you've worked all your life to get. They killed and hurt all your plants that you nurtured to good health too. Doesn't that pain you?"

"Yes, it does."

"Don't you want to get your revenge? Your plants couldn't fight or protect themselves, but what if they could? I can give you power. I can make you and all your plants get your justice. Only if you promise me that you will bring me the miraculouses of two other masked people, Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"I promise, Hawk Moth."

● ● ●

After Marinette and Alya left, Flutter popped out of your bag with an angry look on her face.

"I don't like her!" She fumed.

"Flutter!" You gasped and closed the door of the classroom.

Miss Bustier had left the classroom to talk to the teacher next door and trusts your class enough to leave her room unattended.

"She's mean! Did you not hear what she said about you? Why if I could just-"

"Flutter, calm down. Clearly there's a misunderstanding. We just need to talk to her and everything should be fine," you told your angry kwami.

"And you better expect an apology! She was ready to attack you. And for what? A boy?!"

"I think she and Adrien must be good friends," you said your thoughts aloud.

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