Someone's Fault

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"Did the meeting have to be so early though?" Chat Noir yawned as he stretched his arms.

"We were all too tired to have one in the night," Ladybug said.

"It is the night! The sun hasn't even risen yet," he pointed at the moon.

You burst out laughing. "Looks like our little kitten needs his beauty sleep!"

"I'm not a kitten!"

"Aww, of course not."

"The sooner we discuss this, the sooner we can all go back home before anyone wakes up. First things first, we know Hawk Moth is an adult," Ladybug began the discussion.

"Right, Wendy confirmed that Hawk Moth never spoke to or contacted her again after she made all the adults disappear," you said, nodding. Wendy is the little girl who was previously akumatized. "And you claim that the akuma you saw after breaking her wand was enormous?"

"It was this big!" She tried showing the size of it with her hands, about as big as a watermelon.

"Why did it get bigger though? That's not how it is normally," Chat Noir said.

"Well, this is what I think. So we know that to make an akuma, Hawk Moth charges it with negative energy, and the akuma goes and searches for a person with negative emotions to akumatize. Wendy's pain and anguish was stronger than all the people Hawk Moth had akumatized before. It leads me to think that the akuma fed off her despair and became stronger by doing so," Ladybug explained.

"That sounds right," Chat Noir just went with whatever she said.

"Yeah. You probably are right. Wendy was able to remove all the adults IN THE WHOLE WORLD from existence. She shouldn't have been that strong. Her power was to make anything she imagined to come true, but not to that extent. I'm sure Hawk Moth didn't even know what he was getting into," you guessed.

Ladybug nodded. "I'll inform master about this today. Hopefully Hawk Moth knows nothing about this."

"How does this guy even have so many butterflies in the first place? Does he own a butterfly paradise or something? It's like he has an endless supply of them," Chat Noir vented.

Both you and Ladybug's eyes widened and stared at him.


"You might be onto something, Chat!" Ladybug exclaimed. "I guess your brain's not only full of me after all."

"Of course not! Only 90% of it is," he crossed his arms and turned his head.

"We should take some time out of our daily lives and look for any butterfly gardens in Paris," you suggested.

"Exactly what I was thinking. Let's all take a week and meet back up here to share our discoveries," Ladybug said.

"Okay. But not at this hour, right? Seriously, I'm barely keeping up right now," he yawned again.

Ladybug giggled. "Yes, kitty, at our usual time!"

"Great. So now that we're done, let's all head back and try to get some sleep while we can," you said, pointing backwards with your thumb.

"Wait! There's something I wanted to ask you," Chat Noir said before you could fly away.

"What is it?" You tilted your head.

"Is talking one of your super abilities too?"

"Pfft- What?! Talking?!" You laughed out loud. "You think talking is a power? HAHA!"

Miraculous Ladybug: Two Butterflies [ Chat Noir/Adrien X FemReader ]Where stories live. Discover now