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"It's very nice to meet you, dear," a lady with curly ginger hair, blue eyes and a pair of freckles on her face, gave you a kind smile.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you both too, Mr. And Mrs. Miller," you smiled at the lady and the man who stood next to her. He has dark skin, dark brown eyes, plump lips with a short mustache lying on top of it, and short black curly hair. "Thanks for having me," you finished shaking their hands.

"Oh, why it's a pleasure! Our little Milly never brings any friends home anymore. We're happy to have you here."

"Mom!!" Amelia got flustered. She's a perfect mix of her father and mother. She has light skin, blue eyes and long brown curly hair. She currently has braces, which Aphrodite didn't have, and wears a pair of glasses. She's honestly very pretty even if she doesn't realize it.

"Honey, why don't we leave the girls have their fun now?" Mr. Miller said to his wife.

"D'aww, okay. I'll bring some snacks soon!" She grinned.

"Okay," Amelia said. "Thanks in advance," you waved before following Amelia to her room.

"Ugh, why are parents so embarrassing?" She rambled after closing the door.

"Haha," you lowly chuckled. 'I wouldn't know,' you thought and looked around her room. Her room was mostly teal and green, walls white and filled with some posters or picture frames. The top of her dresser was filled with gemstones: amethysts, a ruby, and others you couldn't identify. You honestly can't tell if they're real or not. She also had a lamp where some crystals hung from, they probably light up the room with beautiful, vibrant shades. Her room was pretty.

"I love your room," you complimented her.

"Thank you!"

You noticed some photos stuck on her mirror by her vanity table. It was of her and her boyfriend.

"Awe, how cute!" You smiled as you looked at them all.

"Haha, yeah..." She got a bit sheepish and turned away from you.

"So.." You had a smug look on your face. "How did this happen?" You asked about their relationship.

"I-I-It just happened!" She stuttered. "He asked me for help in English, because you know.. Our English teacher was really bad and my dad has been teaching me English ever since I could speak and he was failing really bad, so I agreed to tutor him in our free periods. We talked a bit, we became friends and..." she stopped mid-sentence.

"And?" You leaned in, growing more curious.

"And... In one of our sessions he.."

"Yeah? He what?!"

"He randomly kissed me!" She covered her face from embarrassment.

"Oh!" You were astonished. "Just like that or.."

"We were having a moment, I guess.. He immediately apologized after!"

"Haha, okay. That's good. He sounds nice," you smiled.

"He is!" She smiled back. "Though, after that, I literally froze and became a statue. It became awkward between us for a few days until we both confessed our feelings for each other."

"What a romantic story," Mrs. Miller came in with the snacks she promised.

"Mom!" Amelia exclaimed.

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'm not going to disturb you two," she chuckled.

Miraculous Ladybug: Two Butterflies [ Chat Noir/Adrien X FemReader ]Where stories live. Discover now