~ Ken's P.O.V ~
I'm so fucking bored.
Sai is not around to annoy and Ryo has been ignoring my messages for the past 10 minutes. I simply asked him if he could take Kazuro both front and back, and he left me on read. Read! Can you believe it?!
Ugh, why does everyone hate me~?
Welp, since I have nothing else to do I might as well try and figure out why that Leonardo dude is planning on breaking into Eraser Head's apartment. The only problem is that it's very hard to get any Intel about the Lumiere and now with the League of Villains, the Yakuza and even the Hero Commission, the three of us are buried in work. There have never been such mess here in Japan, not even when All for One ruled the underworld.
Thankfully Ryo is looking into the League, so I don't have to worry about them as much, and Sai is getting inside tell from the Heroes. I find it hilarious that they think Sai will change and join them, they have no idea how that mess-up head works. I can't wait to see all of their faces when they realise that she has never and never will be on their side, haha~.
"Anyway, time to use my amazing charms and skills and finally get some real information about French bastards~!" I stretched and immediately started typing on my keyboard.
~ 7 hours later ~
Instead of being bored to death, I am now very very annoyed.
I have been trying to hack into Lumiere's website -yes, they have their own website, how shocking right?- for the past 7 hours without breaks and they have ridiculously many firewalls, it's getting extremely annoying. They obviously have a hacker of their own who is protecting that stupid website, to bad for them I am extremely stubborn and petty, so I'm getting into that website one way or the other!
But the only thing I can do right now is letting my computer run its own thing and break through all the walls, while I on the other hand hack into the French police files and translate everything to Japanese and hope for the accuracy is on point. Since I don't speak French whatsoever.... I just hope that the police has at least something on the Lumiere otherwise I'm going to throw a fit.
I just want to get something remotely interesting about them that I can use, but they're covering their tracks as good as we do.This is why I hate challenges. It makes everything go so slow, when everything should just go fast so that I can do whatever I want again! Like calling the heroes and faking trouble so that they have to run all over the city for problems that doesn't even exists, it's hilarious. Nothing beats the time I pretended to be a cop in distress and had Ingenium run around everywhere for 2 hours trying to find me!
Ahh, good times~
A sudden ding from my computer brought me back from my thoughts. I immediately looked at my computer that I have let take control of breaking down the firewalls to Lumiere's website, only to see "DENIED" everywhere and a message saying "Nice try you little slug~, try again!". I felt a thick mark appear on face as my annoyance came back 10 fold.
"Alright you bastard, two can play that game~!" I started to type again, sending a message back 'challenge accepted'. I then let my computer do the rest as I continued to hack into the police records in France.
Thankfully, those records was much easier to get into then the ones here in Japan, probably because I'm a genius~. Now I only have to translate everything... Maybe I should call Nik, he knows French after all. But he usually ignores me and he also ignores Sai as long as it isn't about her arm, the only one he might actually listen to is Ryo.

Street Rat - BNHA fanfic
أدب الهواة"Being a Street Rat has it's ups and downs, but it has mostly downs when you get chased by a villain just because you 'accidentally' sold some information about him and he just happens to not like it." ~ Sai a something year old girl living in stree...