Chapter 2 - Quirk

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~ Sai's P.O.V ~

It's been three weeks since I moved in with Aizawa, and I still sleep on the floor.
Don't get me wrong I have a bed, but when I tried it, it felt like I was gonna sink into the floor. It's to soft and it kinda disturbs me, I've tried laying down on the bed four times but gave up and decided to sleep on the floor instead. I guess living in the streets my whole life and never having something soft as a cushion really messed me up.

Aizawa wasn't surprised about it when I told him, he had expected it and gave me an extra blanket to use as a mattress to make me used to the soft feeling. It was very nice of him and I think I made him quite confident about his cooking skills, since I always eats up everything on my plate. At least I'm doing some good for him I guess.

Anyway, during these three weeks he's been making me do all these kind of stupid ass tests for school to see were I stand. I'm doing okay for someone with no education whatsoever.
I already know how to speak, write and read english which isn't so surprising since many of my clients --who I sell information-- speaks english. I'm good at Japanese as well, shocking right?
Math on the other hand, I managed shock Aizawa on how good I actually is in it. Though history and all that crap I'm on rock bottom, why the fuck do I need to know about which era is named which and how long it was or about how the world was before quirks came into the picture. Useless information is what it is..
Formal writing is a 'meh' from Aizawa, neither good or bad. So that's good I guess?

Throughout the weeks I have somewhat gotten used to living with Aizawa (except for that godamn bed) and if I were to go back to the slums, I would actually miss him. I don't know if that's good or not, I have only been close to one other person but he disappeared years ago and no it isn't Ryo. I wouldn't consider us close, more like coworkers as information brokers.

"Oi stop daydreaming and pass me the salt", Aizawa abruptly took me out from my thoughts, right now he's teaching how to cook pasta. I passed him the salt and looked as he continued to cook.



This went on for a few minutes, me passing ingredients and him cooking until the food was ready, I set up the table and we both sat down.
"Itadakimasu" we both said and started to eat. After a minute of silence I decided to start a conversation which I have never done before, Aizawa usually don't either.

"Hey, Aizawa. What's your quirk?" I asked, since I'm really curious and his name is Eraserhead so I guess his quirk is something about erasing stuff, like quirks maybe?

"If I tell you my quirk, you have tell me about yours. Deal?" He asked with quite a serious face, man I didn't know he could make a face like that. Only seen him with either a tired or annoyed, sometimes both. After som quick thinking I decided to tell him, I mean he's going to find out sooner or later anyway.

"Sure" after looking at me for a second to see if I was lying or not he spoke up.

"Okey, it's calles Erasure. I can erase any emitter and transformation type quirks by looking at them", he explained shortly and looking at me expectantly, I sigh.

"Our quirks is quite similar then.." He narrowed his gaze in thought before turning back to normal waiting for me to finish.
"Or well one of my quirks are. I have two", once again his eyes widened in shock, "the first one is called Black Out, it allows me to nullify any quirk by touch and make it useless for a minute or two and it also allows me to be immune to any quirk used against me. For example if someone with a fire quirk decides to shoot some fire at me, the fire will stop just before it touch me. Sort of like an invisible barrier."


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