Ch 9. Founder's party

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"It's cool not growing old", Damon said adjusted the collar of his shirt as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror

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"It's cool not growing old", Damon said adjusted the collar of his shirt as he gazed at his reflection in the mirror. "I like being the eternal stud."

"Yes, being a one hundred and fifty-year-old teenager has been..the highlight of my happiness", Stefan resorted as he lifted his glass of bourbon which he had poured for himself, in a mock toast. Damon turned to face his brother with his signature smirk on his face shrugging on his black blazer watching his brother sip on his drink.

"Cracked a funny there Stefan", he joked as he watched Stefan downing his drink in one go, not bothering to comment.

"I should have a drink to celebrate," Damon announced as he moved towards the table stopping in front of Stefan. Grabbing a glass, he made his way to the small table behind them. The opened bottle of bourbon there for the taking.

Stefan hid an eager expression. His plan was going brilliantly (or so he thought).

Instead of pouring himself a drink, Damon set his glass down, bending down to pick up an old picture that wasn't put down enough to gather dust. Katherine the supposed love of his life who he had to share with his little brother.
A smile twitches the corner of his lips but he stopped himself quickly before any suppressed feeling come seeping out into the open.

"1864. You and Katherine were the perfect couple", He began bitterly, gazing down at the picture. "It was hell watching you dance with her."

"My happiness was short-lived", Stefan prompted before continuing, "As you well know." He was getting anxious by the minute. All Damon had to do was take a sip for his strategy to work.

Setting the picture down to its original place, Damon turned his attention back to his brother as he proceeded, "I remember how I left the party early. I was waiting for her."

Completely ditching the glass he clasped the bottle in his hand as he paced towards his brother, until he stood only a foot behind him, as he continued, "That night when you dropped her off I was waiting just inside her room."

Uncorking the bottle, he poured himself a drink after yanking out another glass, the first one complete forgotten as he proceeded to ridicule his younger brother, "You were such a gentleman. Gave her a kiss on the cheek...when what she really wanted was..."

Stefan looked over his shoulder at his brother not letting his taunting words affect him. He was impatiently waiting for when Damon would eventually down his drink like he always does and then he can finally set things right and keep Elena safe.

"Oh, well. Here's to history repeating itself", Damon declared raising the glass of bourbon in a mock salutation. Winking at Stefan, he brought the glass to his lips as Stefan watched eagerly. Then, he tipped it over, pouring its contents out onto the floor smirking at Stefan's expression.

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