Ch 13. The Dream 💭

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"This is all your fault", Stefan declared as he flashes through the wood in search of Vicki, who had disappeared right after draining Logan Fell, with Damon being right on his tail

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"This is all your fault", Stefan declared as he flashes through the wood in search of Vicki, who had disappeared right after draining Logan Fell, with Damon being right on his tail.

"Sure Stefan, let's go with that", the blue-eyed vampire mocked, rolling his eyes at the accusation. "Because everything that transpires around you is my fault", he concluded sarcastically, following his younger brother who only scoffed in return. (Alright most of the time it might be his fault, but not in this case. Okay maybe a little bit, but at least not entirely his fault).

Stefan simply flashed away in return, heading in his search for the vampire who was his responsibility despite what she did to Logan. He had promised Elena that he will take care of the situation and that's exactly what he was going to do.

The Gilbert watch was still clasped in Damon's hand as they zoomed through the dense forest, where the only source of light was the luminous moon.

Looking at it, he watched as the dial of the watch kept going back and forth between him and Stefan, occasionally pointing towards another direction. It was a smart decision to pick up the Gilbert watch, otherwise, there was a high probability that it would have eventually led the council to him and Stefan. And no way in hell was he going to let that happen.

He had decided to check up on his brother soon after he left Caroline's house, (through the window of course) because Liz Forbes had unexpectedly returned home early. Which only meant that the council was yet to discover Logan Fell's body. Color him surprised when he found out that the morally responsible Salvatore had lost track of Vicki. Looks like munching on half of the population of defenseless animals in the wood wasn't doing much for him now, was it? This means that now they have an out-of-control, blood-trusty baby vampire on the loose. This day just keeps getting better doesn't it, note the sarcasm.

As soon as he arrived, Stefan started with his baseless accusations (okay MAYBE not completely baseless) which annoyed him to no end. This is what he gets for actually being decent for once. He should have known that no good ever comes out of him being nice.

And suddenly, there he was, in the middle of the forest with an anxious younger brother helping him (even though he is doing the bare minimum) look for a newly turned vampire (who might have turned because of him), following that potent, yet most rusty fragrance that mostly signifies that she had been right in that area.

"If you hadn't turned Vicki-"

"That's the thing, Stefan, I haven't," Damon interrupted before the younger Salvatore could go on yet another rant.

"WHAT?!, if you didn't, then who did?", clamored Stefan, totally not expecting the sudden turn of events. Damon knew that it would come to this point eventually and he was right. His brother reverted to the character and reverted to the reason why he was always angry at him: because he's the villain and villains like to ruin everything around them no matter what their intentions are. At least that's what people thought.

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