Ch 27. Love?

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The dark cellar reeked of mildew and despair

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The dark cellar reeked of mildew and despair. Stefan Salvatore huddled in the corner of his dank prison cell, his eyes wild, skin sallow. The lack of blood was driving him into a feverish delirium, warping his sense of reality.

He was back in 1864, the cloying scent of smoke and gunpowder assaulting his nostrils. The cursed night when everything went wrong. When the sanctimonious Founders' Council discovered Katherine's true nature and started their vicious purge against the vampires. 

"Circle around that way. I'll distract them. Go!" Stefan's hushed voice carried urgency as he issued orders to his brother Damon.

He sprang into action, luring the dim-witted human battalion away from the carriage containing his lover's captured vampire brethren. Among them was Katherine Pierce, the beginnings of an all-consuming obsession simmering in Stefan's heart. 

Damon worked swiftly, dispatching the lone guard with human efficiency. As the groaning man crumpled, Damon snatched the keys and threw open the carriage door.  Katherine's limp body tumbled out, her striking eyes flickering open as the brothers hurried to untie her gag.

"We're going to get you out of here!" Stefan's promise was Molotov-heated, even as the gunshot tore through Damon's chest.

"No!!" Stefan's scream cleaved the night as his brother's lifeless body struck the ground. He scrambled for a rifle, retaliating, but searing pain lanced through him as bullets ripped into his flesh.

The vision blurred and distorted. Suddenly Katherine's face was replaced by Elena's, her warm eyes brimming with tears. "I love you, Stefan..."

"Stefan!" Damon's concerned baritone snapped him back to the present. His brother's forehead creased with worry as Elena peered at Stefan through the bars of his cage...


Caroline smoothed her palm over the cool metal bars, her brow furrowed with concern as she studied Stefan's fitful form on the tiny cot within the cell. His slumber was plagued by intermittent bouts of restless tossing and turning, the sheets tangling around his long limbs.

"He just keeps drifting in and out," she murmured, glancing over her shoulder at Elena with troubled eyes. "Maybe the lack of blood is really starting to take a toll."

Elena leaned back against the damp stone wall across the narrow corridor, her own gaze locked unblinkingly on her boyfriend's tormented sleep. "It's so hard, seeing him locked up like this," she said thickly, her voice hitching with the barest tremor of remorse.

A derisive scoff cut through the heavy silence, causing both girls to turn. Damon lounged against the adjacent cell door, his expression a mask of pointed indifference as he regarded Elena coolly.

"Well, you're the one who put him in there, weren't you?" His tone dripped with pointed accusation. "Don't go getting all weepy on us now."

Elena bristled, her back stiffening as she fixed him with a reproachful glare. "You both helped make this decision."

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