Ch 12. Well deserved break

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Damon dug his hand into the pocket of one of the lifeless drained bodies he'd left in his wake after evacuating the Salvatore Boarding House

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Damon dug his hand into the pocket of one of the lifeless drained bodies he'd left in his wake after evacuating the Salvatore Boarding House. He had to wait for sundown to get some actual blood in his system since Zach vervain lashed blood only seemed to have made his condition worst. As soon as it got dark after what seemed like years, he moved towards the cemetery where he knew a bunch of druggies frequented at night. It was almost too easy. Most of them were high, and others were...well, drunk. All were practically sitting ducks. Unfortunately for Vicki Donovan, she was the first one he came across, rendering her his first victim.

When he got his hands on the phone, he immediately dialled Stefan's number. Waiting for his annoying younger brother to pick up before jumping the gun on his version of an injunction.

"Hello?", Stefan voiced
One could clearly hear, (though only the ones who knew the younger Salvatore well) that he was dreading this call.

"I want my ring", Damon demanded, before taking a gulp of the vodka he'd chipped from one of the lifeless bodies before pouring some over the dead guy he'd got to phone from.

"Where are you?", Stefan negated, making it clear that he wasn't going to give up easily. Now that Elena has found out about them, he has to be even more vigilant. To protect her.

"I'm at the sizzler", Damon said, voice laced with sarcasm as he kneeled to grab a long stick, its end on fire. "I had the buffet. Where's my ring?".

"I don't have it", Stefan responded a little too promptly for it to be true. "Where are you? What have you done? And who let you out?".

"No, what have you done?",
Damon countered, ignoring the last question, swivelling the stick as the flame at its end grew larger.

"You're the one who locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy", Damon proclaimed as he bends down, tapping the tip of the flame onto the small puddle of alcohol he'd left on the body, watching as it torches up.

"It was Caroline, wasn't it? Why can't you just stay away from her??? Leave her the fuck alone", Stefan yelled in frustration.

"I don't think what happens between me and MY girlfriend is any of your business, now is it, Stefan?", Damon disputed firmly. Even though they ain't like that, he wasn't going to divulge his brother with the truth. Stefan had the habit of butting into things and ruining them for him, and he didn't want him to wreck whatever he has going on with Blondie. She had come to save him even though she had no obligation to, and he was appreciative (though he wasn't ever going to say that out loud) She came in like a rainbow on a stormy day.

"Come on, Damon, enough of this drama. Who are you fooling? We both know that you don't do girlfriends", Stefan scoffed a sarcastic chuckle of disbelief. Though he didn't miss the possessive undertone in Damon's reply, nevertheless, he chose to ignore it.

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