Chapter 2

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Milo's POV:

The sun was rising over the treetops as I watched from my second-story window, a small smile overtaking my face as I watched the blending colors transform into their usual robins-egg blue color. I drummed my fingers on my chin as I leaned on the windowsill, procrastinating from my duties. My lips hummed some forgotten melody that my mother used to sing as I closed my eyes briefly. It was a Saturday, time for nearly a full day of harvesting carrots from my garden. A full day of work.

Right about now, the pack would be starting their training session. A few years ago, I might have attended. Malena always liked them, and so did my father. They were always in the midst of it, working their hardest to beat the others. It usually didn't happen, especially for my sister, but she liked to try nonetheless. I never did. Instead, my mother would attempt to teach me how to fight, similar to the way any human mother might attempt to teach their child the alphabet, or how to read or write. Everything she taught me was defensive, probably because that was all she knew. There was no reason for an omega to be on the front lines, after all. Our only duty was to preserve ourselves and any children who needed it. The tactics she had taught my sister had worked out well for me, at least.

But I hadn't gone to the pack training sessions in many years. No one expected me to, after all, and I could think of a thousand better ways to spend my Saturdays. Including harvesting carrots.

I gave the pink sky outside one last wistful glance as I moved away from the window. I wished I could stay and savor it longer, but the truth was, nothing beautiful lasted long. Then I straightened my shirt and made my way down the narrow staircase in the corner of my bedroom. Once downstairs, I made myself a quick piece of toast, only finishing half of the piece before throwing the rest away, stomach churning.

Yawning, I grabbed my basket, gardening gloves, and picked up my pet chicken, Bubbles, before opening the door and walking outside. The air was chilly and I rubbed my arms, regretting not grabbing a jacket. Bubbles began to get antsy in my arms so I set her down, watching with a smile as the reddish-brown chicken ran around, dodging the crops like a professional. When she was at the end of the row, she turned to look at me, cocking her head as if asking 'Did I do good?' It was exceptionally adorable.

Sighing, I slipped on my gloves and reached for the first carrot, pulling it out of the dirt with a satisfied smile. Then I did the next one. Then the next. The work was repetitive and slightly mind-numbing, but it gave me time to just think. Wondering about what could be- what could've been- was useless, of course, but it entertained me when I was alone with the plants and Bubbles.

A few hours later, someone approached me from behind. I almost flinched but stopped myself just in time, turning around to see Adriel approaching me.


"Hello," the familiar brown-haired figure said, crouching down next to me and examining my full basket. "You've been busy."

"I guess."

"Are you ready for Dad to take them to the market this afternoon?"

"Yeah. I can be done harvesting for today." I had gotten through a few of the rows, after all. I could do the rest tomorrow or the next weekend.

"Good. Dad says you should come over for lunch."


Adriel smiled, picking up Bubbles, who had been running around his feet. I tried to pick up the basket but struggled, so he got that too, Bubbles resting contentedly in his other arm. I took Bubbles from him and let her inside before quickly checking that every lightswitch was turned off and returning to Adriel's side.

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