Author's Note

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I hope no one minded the difference from the usual setup for the last chapter too much?? I thought it fit for the final frickin' chapter but idk



I feel like crying?


- I will be posting a new 'story' which will function more like a notebook soon, within the next hour probably! Besides following me (which you also should do), it's the best way to get information about new stories!

     (Update: It's posted! Also, I have the floorplan to Milo's house currently up if you want to check that out :D)

     (Update: Nobody is checking it out lol, you should totally do it, there are character bios for Liam and Milo and y'know I think they're pretty fkn cool and stuff)

- The next story in this sort of series, Sage and Adriel's story (which will hopefully be interesting?) will be posted not soon. I will be working on it on and off but I also have a life outside the keyboard (though I wish I didn't lmao) and you can probably plan to see it from me in January-February? Though, of couse, the best way to get news from me is by FOLLOWING!! All uber-important announcements will be announced through the announcing system. Did that make sense? I don't think so.

    (Update: posted now!)

That's all I can think of for now. I reserve the right to update this later with other news but for now! Follow, vote, comment your thoughts & feelings & emotions, and have a great day :)

-bloom :)

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