Chapter 20

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Milo's POV:

The vampire waited for me to respond before tsking when I didn't. "Not going to grace me with an answer?" he asked, his grin becoming wolfish despite the fact that he wasn't... a werewolf. "Well, that's okay. I must say, I really don't like small talk."

"What?" I breathed out in the loudest voice I could muster.

"I'm here to finish what I started eight years ago," he replied, "and kill you like I did the rest of your family."

My blood ran cold.

Of course I knew there was no other reason a vampire would be inside my house, other than to take my life, but there was just something so threatening about the way he said it, as though he was going to take his time killing me. As though he was going to enjoy it.

Liam, I called desperately through our link. I got an answer within seconds.

Milo, he sighed in relief despite probably being able to sense my fear.

Liam, there's- there's a vampire- Goddess, Liam, he says he's going to kill me. Please.

Liam didn't answer for a second and my traitorous thoughts ran wild as the vampire's eyes stayed on me. He probably knew I was contacting someone, but he didn't care. Like he wanted to cause Liam pain.

Give me three minutes, stall, okay? I sent Sage, he's on his way too. Adriel's in town but heading back. Ask him to tell you his life story. Despite the joking voice he used, there was a very real undertone of fear lacing through his words. Liam was scared. For me.

Despite everything happening in that moment, my heart softened, just a bit.

"Please don't kill me," I said in my quiet, trembling voice, looking up to meet the vampire's red gaze. He was thirsty. "Please, I- I have a mate, I can't die."

He laughed once, a short noise I immediately knew to mean he didn't actually care. "Pity. Pity I don't care about soulmates, ever since your father led me to believe we were soulmates."

"...What?" I asked, my words laced with shock. "What... what do you mean?"

"Your father and I immigrated up from Mexico together. Did he ever tell you and your sister about me?"

I silently shook my head, slowly beginning to raise myself to my unsteady feet despite the fact that he still towered over me. He was a head taller, at least.

"I'm unsurprised. I don't believe he ever told your mother, either. His own wife." The icy words were like bullets shot into my heart. I would be dead in seconds if words could kill.


Goddess, how could I be so stupid?

I had to... to try to kill him.

Not necessarily for me. For Liam, for Adriel, for Sage, for Julie... for my family, both living and dead.

Kill him, or he'd kill me.

Or I could wait until Sage and Liam undoubtedly showed up, but by then, it would probably be too late.

My heart pounded in my chest as I took a few stumbling steps back. The vampire watched me lazily.

"Your father was a werewolf, obviously, but I was a mere human. I knew about his... affliction only because I met him as a wolf, then later, he accidentally transformed in front of me. We shared a dream, so we joined forces and began travelling together. While we did, he told me about his world.

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