Chapter 1

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     Ever since Sebastian's family moved to America his bookshelf held several Captain America comics. The boy would read them over and over again and he never lost his interest. He never would have guessed that one day he'd be given the opportunity to portray Bucky Barnes. Sebastian was only 20 when he first met the cast and crew. He tried his best to make a good first impression. And it worked pretty well, as most of his co-workers liked him. But none of that was comparable with the friendship he created with his co-star, Chris Evans. Despite his quiet and shy personality, the cheerful guy managed to befriend him in a few hours. He made the younger actor laugh in between rehearsals, read his lines in the funniest ways just to see his reaction, told him interesting stories from his life and asked dozens of questions. Only a few days later the two actors were inseparable, just like their characters. 

     The first few days of the actual filming  they couldn't stop laughing, as the crew tried to turn Chris Evans into the pre-serum Steve Rogers. Sebastian had to stand on a box to seem taller than his co-star. He managed to fall down and slip a few times but after a few takes the scene was finally done. They worked on a few other scenes before everyone was free to go. It was getting late and the two friends could barely keep their eyes open. But they wanted to rehearse their dialogues, so of course Chris had the amazing idea of going to a coffeeshop at 10PM. Sebastian joined him and they headed to a small coffeeshop nearby. 

"What do you want, Seb?" 

"I'm not sure, man. I'm not really an experienced coffee drinker." 

     Chris chuckled at his confused expression and walked to the barista. 

"We'll have a hazelnut cappuccino and a mocha latte, thanks." 

     The barista nodded and asked their names.

"Chris and Sebastian." 

     In a few minutes their coffees were ready and the two actors sat at a table and took out their scripts. 

"Why did we even think that rehearsing at night was a good idea? All I wanna do is sleep," Sebastian complained and rested his chin on his hand. 

"Yeah, I know, man. Note to our future selves, rehearse your lines during the day. But that's why we're here now, the caffeine will  keep us awake for a few hours." 

     They started rehearsing their lines, changing their voices, adding absurd words in between before they decided that it was really time to just focus on it and get serious. Sebastian opened the lid and took a sip from his cup, while Chris was watching him expectantly. Seb gulped carefully, but his eyebrows and nose crunched. 

"Really? Seb, that's one of the best coffee drinks," Chris rolled his eyes fondly. 

"Too much milk," the other explained. 

"Here, try this one. There's less milk and I'm sure you'll like the hazelnut flavor." 

     Sebastian looked at him as he swapped their cups. 

"But that was your drink. I overreacted, give it back," he said and tried to push Chris' cup back. 

     But Chris already took a sip and smirked at him, knowing that Sebastian was just trying to be nice. Sebastian sighed and slowly took a sip from the "Chris"-marked cup. This time his face expressed nothing but pleasure. 

"See? Told ya! Now you'll know what to order whenever we come here," Chris said and they got back to their scripts. 

     It was close to midnight when the two lads left the coffeeshop. 

"We're lucky someone opened a 24-hour coffeeshop just for idiots like us," Chris said.

"Maybe we're not the only ones. I bet a lot of people mess up their schedules like this," the other one shrugged. 

"Well, as fun as this was, we really need to get at least some sleep, so we won't pass out tomorrow on set. The crew loves us, and I don't really wanna change that." 

     Sebastian smiled and they walked in the empty street. Chris noticed how tired his friend was, nearly leaning on him and barely keeping his balance. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders to keep him up and looked around. The street was mostly empty, but he spotted a taxi close to them. He waved to the driver and waited. 

"You want me to take you home, Seb?"

"What? No, don't worry. Your apartment is on the other side of the town, you better head home too. I'll be fine," he answered sleepily. 

     Chris looked at him and even through his exhausted eyes he could see how stubborn Sebastian was. He gave up.

"Fine. But call me in the morning," he said and turned to the driver, giving him Sebastian's address and cash, ignoring the other lad's complaint. 

     He opened the door for his friend and hugged him. 

"See you tomorrow, Seb," he kissed his cheek and laughed when the younger one tiredly pushed him and rubbed his cheek. 

     Once Sebastian was in the car Chris closed the door and watched him leave. Soon the taxi turned to a different street and Chris walked home, enjoying the slight wind. 

     Sebastian dazedly watched out of the window, struggling to stay awake. But the car's movements were making it even harder. He blinked a few times but after a while his eyes gave up and he fell asleep in the backseat. 

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