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Ayaan's p.o.v.

I unlocked the door and went inside it, as Ira had instructed. Dad and Neil were following me with their guns ready to shoot anyone who comes in front of us.

"We're in the drawing room." I said to Ira on phone.

"Okay. Move inside the door which leads to the dining room. It's connected to the drawing room. Just look forward."

I could see the dining table in the area in front of the drawing room. I walked to that room. I was followed by Neil and Dad again.

"Now?" I asked.

"Just keep moving straight and you'll be in the quadrangle enclosed by rooms from all the sides. On the right corner of it are staircases. Ignore those staircases and get into the store room just beside them." Ira instructed.

We did as Ira asked. The room where we were was extremely dark. I opened up the mobile torch.

"Can you find the switch-board there?" Ira asked.

I looked around the room.

"Yes." I switched on the lights. The room was very messed up and dirty. And the floor was of wood.

"Filthy room with wooden floor?" Ira asked.


"Okay, see that there is a large table in the corner of the room. Try shifting it." Ira said.

"Okay," I put the phone inside my pocket without hanging up the phone call and asked Neil and Dad to help me move the table.

We moved the table. I took out the phone again and put the call on speaker.

"Now?" I said. "Hey I see a latch."

"Open it then." Ira said.

I opened the latch and found a small box inside the wooden floor. I picked up the box and saw many papers inside it.

"Let's grab the important ones." Dad said.

"No, no. Please take away everything. No time's left." Ira said.

We grasped every document from the box and stuffed the vacant papers we had brought from home into them.

"Put that note too." Ira said.

Neil took out the note which Ira gave him to put inside the box. I took it from him and put it inside the box.

"Guys done everything?" Ira asked.

I said a yes abd stood up.

"Okay leave now. You have hardly any minute left." Ira said and I hung up the phone.

We closed the door of the wooden floor, put the table on it, switched off the lights, went out of the house and locked the door again. We did not forget to keep back the key at its original position.

We went to our car and drove away,  back to the hospital.

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