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I had written a very special note for Maa and Papa.

"Yes, you were right. You were not dead on that day when you made the prophecy about the truth. Thank you guys, for dying today. Yeah, you are both dead today for me. And I promise that you'll always be dead only now. I am pretty sure that I'm never going to miss you after your demise. I hate you. -Ira."

By 8:40 p.m. , Ayaan, Neil and Anwar were back.


On 15th of October, practically 2 weeks after Zain's accident, I was standing in front of the Mishra Mansion. I was wearing a black leather jacket upon a black t-shirt which was tucked into a black ankle length jeans. I wore such an attire just to look like a mafia's daughter.

It was according to our plan that I was going inside the house. Anwar had hid a microphone in my side bag. His agents and men had already surrounded the house on the previous night and I was already told by the agents that Papa was not at home when I knocked the door.

Maa opened the door. She was a bit shocked.

As expected she asked me, "How are you here?" And looked around everywhere to see if I was there with more people.

"I'm alone. Don't worry." I said and walked into the house, "I wanted to spend a little time with you and Papa before signing the papers."

She looked even more shocked after hearing this.

"I know that you want me to sign some papers. Trust me, I hate you a lot but, I will sign them for the peace of everyone. Okay, before you bring the papers, tell me how did you do all this? You people are smarter than I'd imagined." I said.

"Sure. Actually I would surely love to explain all those tactics." Maa said and chuckled. I could not compare that laugh to my old chubby Maa but to that pajamas lady in the cellar types room.

"On 18th of January , 2003, we asked the doctor to operate early. We bribed that doctor actually. He did as we told. And of course the child to whom I gave birth died. We already knew that Talia was going to deliver a child. It was such a luck that Talia gave birth to twins. We insisted a lot to Anwar and he allowed to exchange the corpse of my dead child with one of Talia's child. And yes, we never took so much care of you because we loved you or anything, it is that we got money for keeping you with us and feeding you." She finished off.

"Okay fine, I don't want to slap my EX MOTHER so go and bring the papers." I said.

"After signing wait till your Papa comes." said Maa.

"Not anymore- my Papa. I'll wait."

She stood up and went to the storeroom. I hurriedly went to the door and allowed the selected agents to come inside with me. We tiptoed to the storeroom. The lights were switched off.

Maa was sitting on the floor and reading the note which I'd asked my brothers to leave for them. She looked totally white and pale. Hastily, without making any noise, I went and stood behind her. I took out the roscoe from my side bag and grasped it tightly with both my arms ,straight, hanging in the air.

"It's not a joke," I said and she turned back swiftly, "I literally hate you both. By the way, now I look like a proper mafia girl," I looked up a little at the ceiling continued, " it's so cool."

"You can't do this Ira, you can't do this." Maa said.

"But I did it Maa. Ohh sorry, Mrs. Prerna Mishra."

She started running towards the door of the storeroom. But before she could exit, one of Anwar's agents switched on the light.

"Aree! Why are you running? What did you think only you can play these kidnapping games?" I said and tee-heed.

"I'm your mother Ira. Nothing changes this truth." Maa fell on my legs and embraced them. I too sat down.

"Today you're my mother but when you kidnapped me , you were not. Cool." I said. It was tough for me to talk to Maa like this but the thought of Zain was forcing me to liquidate her.

"Hey guys, take her off before her husband comes to assassinate me." I said to Anwar's people.

Some lady agents came forward and held Maa from her arms and dragged her out of the house. She was continuously shouting for help. Which was actually absurd.

Before moving to the car, I stuck the same note on the door and added:

"Your wife is with us. She's is not dead till now, but soon she'll be butchered. Sorry!"

We drove to Anwar's personal arsenal. I told you that this family is very rich.

Ayaan, Neil and Anwar were already there. As I reached, Ayaan and Neil hugged me together.

"Hehe.. I did it." I said.

"Yes. We'll force her to speak the truth now. And her husband will too do the same." Neil said. "Hey, your outfit?"

"I thought that in this way I'll look more like a mafia's daughter. I stole it from your wardrobe only. I know you won't mind." I said and we all laughed, including Anwar.

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