Author's Note

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Thank you so much for sticking this long!

When I published the book, I didn't ever think I'd actually finish it. Yet here we are.

Is it a bit of a hot mess?


Am I proud of it?


If anyone here just skipped to the end or even just opened the first chapter, thank you so much.


Will you ever publish another book?

Yes, hopefully

Will it be similar?

Maybe, maybe not. Again, I wanna bounce around genres for a while. Maybe I'll find a genre I like and write exclusively in that, and maybe I will just write whatever comes to mind

When is your next book?

Dunno if anyone's actually looking forward to the next book, but...I have no idea. Lol.

owa owa

That's not a question, but I agree

Again everyone! Thank you so much! I will keep improving to the best of my abilities.

- Tae

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