Soap (Karl Heisenberg/Reader)

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Warnings:  Fluff, Mention of Having Nightmares, Revenge 

Soap by The Oh Hellos


"I've heard since I was younger that oil and water don't mix. They're polar opposites with a molecular rift you can't fix"

Karl has always felt as if he didn't belong in the world that Mother Miranda forced upon him. The only place he felt safe in was his factory, among the things he could control and bend to his will. 

"But I swear with all your burnt bridges you could leech what's caustic and find a rudimentary lye, some kind of miraculous bind"

When you had arrived to the village, alone and tired with wounds all over your body, Mother Miranda left Heisenberg to decide what to do with you. His decision was to take you back to the factory.

"Oh no, I think I'm not quite ready to let you circle the drain. All the things we've broken can be puzzled together again"

During the walk to the factory, Heisenberg asked about how you arrived to the village. You spoke of being broken and feeling like a monster in some sense of the word. Karl realized that the both of you were alike, burning with revenge for those who hurt and alienated you from the rest of the world. He wouldn't be turning you into another experiment. 

"All your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you've made"

Throughout the following months you proved yourself trustworthy and began helping Karl ready his steadily growing army. Together you would be able to defeat Mother Miranda.

"I think that you're worth keeping around, I think you're worth holding onto"

Heisenberg saw himself as a monster. You learned what things made him feel better about himself and indulged in them. The first night you slept in his bed, the nightmares stopped and you awoke in his arms completely content. Later, he admitted that he would destroy the entire world for you. You knew he wasn't bluffing.

"I've heard if I were tougher, then maybe I'd make it alive. I got a tender side, I'll need a harder shell to survive. But if seeing is believing, I don't know I've seen a thing grow without an open coat. Not without a softness showing"

Karl told you the story of his Cadou implantation, of all the people who died because of the "gift". You held him as he told the story, placing kisses on his forehead whenever he mentioned an especially rough part. The Heisenberg you had first met was much different than the one you currently held, you had helped him become a better person. And you would never leave his side.

"I know, maybe you're not quite ready to loosen your hold on the safety blanket you've been keeping around your shoulders. But your sums and your pieces are enough to make you whole, you gotta let go."

More power was needed for the army. Your job was to convince the other Lords to join your cause. Moreau took some convincing, but was fairly easy. Donna soon joined after. Alcina was gonna be difficult. After a long talk and minor arguments, she realized that Mother Miranda was a neglectful mother and deserved to be taken down. The Lords would be okay without her. 

"I think that you're worth keeping around, I think that you're worth holding onto"

With all of the Lords and Heisenberg's army ready to fight, the time had come. Looking down at your hand, the metallic gleam of the ring shone bright. Carved into it: Heisenberg

"It's gonna hurt like hell, but we're gonna be well. I'll give you my best shot."

Everyone charged to destroy Miranda, understanding that she needed to be destroyed in order for people to be happy. There was no possible way this fight was being lost.


Only 627 words, but wow am I tired. Currently 5 AM and I haven't slept yet, so please do tell me about any errors or if something sounds wrong. Also let me know if you enjoyed this, I haven't written in a long time, so I have no idea if it is good or not. 

Thanks for reading!

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