Help (Ethan Winters/Karl Heisenberg)

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This story takes place in an AU where everyone lives. Ethan still hates people, but he has his kid and hasn't killed anyone. Inspired by a Tumblr Prompt I will put at the end of the chapter. 


It was nearing three AM and Karl Heisenberg was wide awake. 

He sat watching the cameras of the factory while tinkering with some small pieces of scrap. His eyes steadily wandered over the screens, looking for anything that might provide a bit of entertainment. 

Suddenly, a man tumbled into view of the camera. 

"This looks interestin'..." Karl mumbled. 

He appeared to be walking like a drunken squirrel. What the hell was this guy's deal? Karl grabbed his hammer and made the way to the front doors of the factory. He opened the door to find a very bloody Ethan Winters. His head tilted up towards Karl, not quite reaching his eyes. Ethan looked terrified. Examining him, he was swaying and had many large gashes all over his body.  

"What the fuck happened to you?" 

"Super bitch....didn't know where else to go...." Ethan whispered before collapsing. Heisenberg caught him.

"Fuck, guess you're my problem now."


Ethan awoke, finding himself on someone's bed. His body felt like it weighed six thousand pounds. Trying to move his head, he was able to turn it to the rest of the room. He spotted Heisenberg sitting on a sofa, head back and hat over his eyes. There was a lit cigar in his mouth. Was he the one who got him here? Last thing Ethan could remember was that dammed dinner party he attended with Lady Dimitrescu and her daughters. Her daughters were giggling the entire time. Lady Dimitrescu offered him some wine, after that the room started spinning. They drugged him, that's what happened. He must've ran here.

Heisenberg took his hat off of his face and stubbed out his cigar. He locked eyes with Ethan.

"Look who's finally awake! Now, how about you share with me the story of how ya got yourself here?" Heisenberg had his signature entertainer energy about him, but now was not the time for his sarcastic ass. 

Ethan tried opening his mouth, but no sound came out.

'Water' he mouthed.

Heisenberg left the room and came back with a glass of water. He looked so different without his hat or glasses on. Ethan was able to move his arms and basically chugged the water.

"I heard ya say somethin' about the super bitch before you decided to pass out. What, she finally decided you were annoyin enough to kill?" Karl smirked and set the empty glass on a desk near the wall of the room.

"She invited me over for dinner. They drugged me." Ethan managed to get out. 

"So ya thought that coming to me was the best decision?" His smirk dropped, expression unreadable. 

"I don't remember anything after the dinner, so I must've," Ethan moved more freely now and tried sitting up. Heisenberg had to reach his hand out and help Ethan sit on the side of the bed. He looked around some more and realized that this must be Heisenberg's room. A slight blush crept up his face, no doubt because of the drugs still in his system. 

"Watch out for your wounds, don't wanna fuck those up any more. I'll see if Duke has any of that green shit left." Heisenberg began to walk to the door, "Oh yeah, don't go fucking wandering around."

"Like I would be able to," Ethan mumbled. "Thanks for helping me out, Heisenberg." Heisenberg froze at the sentence. 

"You're sleepin in my bed, I think ya can start calling me Karl now." He rushed out of the door, leaving Ethan alone.

"That was kind of awkward..." Ethan drank some more water and tried putting weight on his legs. Standing was difficult and shaky, but at least he could attempt to get somewhere if Karl wanted to kill him too. 

A while later, Karl came back and handed Ethan the green goop. Ethan then proceeded to slosh that shit everywhere. It magically repaired his wounds and his clothes. Karl narrowed his eyes at the sight, but said nothing of it. 

"So, Winters, what's your plan to destroy that bitch?" Karl pulled up a chair and sat like a camp counselor trying to look cool. The 'Bitch' pronounced in a way that tickled Ethan's ears. 

"Blow the castle up?" Ethan half-joked, "Just throwing out some ideas." 

Karl's laugh sounded like a howl at the idea. "I like that, but not my idea of the proper payback. I was thinkin somethin more along the lines of killin her daughters first. Then, we crush the mega-bitch." Karl looked much more serious now. 

"I'll be honest, I don't like the thought of killing her daughters. I'm a father and I know how terrifying that can be. But, they did decide to drug me and almost kill me. So. maybe I'll let it slide." Ethan smirked and stood up. He held out a hand to Heisenberg in a handshake of agreement. 

"Did I just turn the honorable Ethan Winters dark? I like that." Ethan's face heated up and Karl grabbed Ethan's hand. Then, he pulled Ethan down to his level. 

"I can just tell I'm gonna have one hell of a fun time workin with ya." Ethan felt a nip at his ear. Then, Karl stood up. "Tell me when you're ready, I'll be back in a few hours." And he sauntered out the door, leaving Ethan alone again to ponder his thoughts about what just happened. 


Tumblr Prompt: "The hero shows up at the villain's doorstep one night. They're shivering, bleeding, scared. There's also a slightly dazed look in their eyes- they were drugged. They look like they were assaulted. Looking up at the villain, swaying slightly as they're close to passing out, they mumble "...didn't know where else to go..." then collapse into the villain's arms."

Hopefully I'll have another update within the week! Have a nice day and feel free to request. 

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